Four of a Kind: Jesse Sawyer talks local craft scene

Jesse Sawyer. Photo by Nate Burrows

Editor’s note: This is part of “Four of a Kind,” a recurring Arts & Culture feature. Each month, four new artists share their takes on the local art scene. In addition to individual online posts, you can find all four features as a single spread in this week’s print edition.

Jesse Sawyer is an Asheville-based woodworker and co-owner of Sawyer Home Collection.

Xpress: Is there an upcoming craft event happening in Asheville that you’re looking forward to seeing?

I am looking forward to the next Wood Day held by the Southern Highland Craft Guild on Saturday, Aug. 10, at the Folk Art Center. The guild does a great job preserving traditional craft techniques through demonstrations and exhibitions.

Outside of crafts, what other upcoming local arts happening intrigues you?

Outside of the world of craft, I’m most excited about the live music scene in Asheville. I love being able to discover new music in a live venue and also get to see some big names. Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit on Tuesday, Aug. 13, at Rabbit Rabbit is definitely on my radar.

What current project are you working on that you’re especially excited about?

In my own work, I bounce back and forth these days between furniture and sculptural pieces. So, I’m excited to be doing a built-in banquette seat for a dining room and to explore some larger-scale collaborations of wood and metal with my partner, in both life and work, Audrey Laine Sawyer.


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About Edwin Arnaudin
Edwin Arnaudin is a staff writer for Mountain Xpress. He also reviews films for and is a member of the Southeastern Film Critics Association (SEFCA) and North Carolina Film Critics Association (NCFCA). Follow me @EdwinArnaudin

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