Smart Bets: Basil King

"Today I go back and forth between painting and writing, on two different floors of my house in Brooklyn," Basil King says on his website. "One feeds the other and in both I bring disparate things together." An immigrant to the U.S. from England, he discovered Black Mountain College at age 16. He went on […]

No good in goodbye

In the second verse of “Farewell Transmission,” one of the late Jason Molina’s finest compositions for his band Songs: Ohia, his voice starts to shake. “After tonight, if you don’t want this to be,” he sings, trembling on the word “be,” as if it’s all he can do to shape these words, to hear his […]

Smart Bets: Asheville Vaudeville

Come one, come all — Asheville Vaudeville kicks off the second half of its 2013-14 season with two shows at the Toy Boat Community Art Space. Watch as circus artists, jugglers, musicians, storytellers, puppeteers, burlesque dancers and more awe-inspiring (or at least laughter-inducing) acts carry on the historic vaudeville tradition while displaying some of Asheville's […]

The long detour

In “The Answer to the Riddle is Me,” Warren Wilson alum David Stuart MacLean recounts his decade-long recovery from amnesia caused by the antimalarial drug Larium. Told with a light touch and plenty of humor, the story is as engaging as it is harrowing. The book is out on Tuesday, Jan. 14.

Smart Bets: Rob Morrill Photograph­y

Leicester-based photographer Rob Morrill was a veterinarian for his first career. Following his retirement in ’99, he turned his attention to his camera. According to his bio, Morrill is “primarily devoted to dynamic floral images that were manipulated digitally, to varying degrees, in an attempt to blur the line between real and imaginary.” He has […]

Tricks of the trade

A skull wearing sunglasses cackles to announce the arrival of visitors to Magic Central, a retail shop on Weaverville Highway in North Asheville. The shop appears empty except for the autographed posters of celebrities that grace the walls and glass cabinets displaying magician’s wares. Finally, shop owner Ricky D. Boone appears from behind the back […]

Smart Bets: The Rag-Pickers Guide to Poetry

As faculty members of the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College, Eleanor Wilner and Maurice Manning have, between them, decades of teaching experience, many published collections of poems and (in Manning’s case) Pulitzer Prize finalist status. All of which made them the perfect team to edit The Rag-Picker's Guide to Poetry: Poems, Poets, […]

State of the Arts

Chances are you’ve been invited to one of Asheville’s cafes, salons, bookstores or breweries not for a book, beer or haircut, but for an art opening. Whatever their main purpose, these businesses-turned-galleries are some of the city’s premier spaces for art. They’re accessible to new artists wanting to show their work, and approachable for those […]

Smart Bets: Wine and Ink

The new year is the time for, if not resolutions, then making plans and setting goals. Here’s a fun way to get going with creative projects: Wine and Ink, hosted by Ten Cent Poetry (aka singer-songwriter Chelsea Lynn La Bate). “Songwriters! Poets! Story makers! Drawers! Bring your ink and paper to Ten Cent Poetry’s Wine […]