Asheville-based singer/songwriter/banjoist Kathryn O’Shea’s debut full-length studio album, January 9th, is deeply rooted in family. The April 10 release’s title is a nod to the date in 2014 when her father “died peacefully after a short but fierce bout with cancer.” Six years later, to the day, she laid down 10 original songs in a vocal booth built out of the closet she shared with her dad in her childhood home. O’Shea’s brother Michael recorded it all, seated “right around where he used to sit to do homework when this now-recording studio was his bedroom.” The collection of warm, intimate tunes “celebrates triumph in the face of trauma, a message we all need in this new era of coronavirus,” and will soon be followed by a Patreon campaign “in an effort to continue to find rich, accessible, socially distanced connection with [O’Shea’s] audience.” Photo by Alexandra Malek
Smart Bet: Kathryn O’Shea

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