Appalachian rocker Aaron Woody Wood will celebrate the release of his latest album Sunshine with a performance at The Grey Eagle. “I feel like I’ve settled into my own style now,” Wood says. “These songs were recorded with almost no fixes of any kind. I wanted a record that would show my beauty marks and all.” It’s a style he’s refined over the decades, influenced by his father, contemporary bluegrass legend A.L. Wood, and his performances with such iconic musicians as Santana, Alabama and The Avett Brothers. Wood will perform the new songs from Sunshine, as well as his back catalog favorites and covers, at the release party. “It will be funky and country and rockin’ like most stuff I do,” says Wood of the show, which takes place on Saturday, May 6, at 9 p.m. $8/$10. Photo by Bill Reynolds
Smart bets: Aaron Woody Wood

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