After two years portraying Johnny Cash in the award-winning musical Million Dollar Quartet, multitalented performer Adam Lee is redirecting his energies toward music. The Cashin’ Out tour sees him revisiting songs he wrote for his alt-country band The Dead Horse Sound Company as well as material from a forthcoming album. The tour, like the new music, is a solo effort. “It’ll be nice to exercise my own voice, literally and figuratively. … I spent the last couple of years writing and recording this new album, and to be honest, I couldn’t be more excited to show it off,” the singer-songwriter says, calling “Good Days” a highlight. It celebrates the ever-present potential for improvement, even in tough circumstances like highway living. Lee plays a free show at Ben’s Tune-Up on Wednesday, Feb. 3, at 7 p.m. Photo by Paul Andrews
Smart bets: Adam Lee

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