Last year, singer-songwriter Chris Jamison couldn’t decide which of two distinct albums to start first. It was his wife who made the decision, encouraging him to begin with the country-tinged Mindless Heart. “Some of the songs were new and some were over 10 years old. The old [ones] were tunes that had been in my live shows but never quite fit onto the records I was doing at the time,” Jamison says. “These songs all seemed to fit together really well, and I think my wife was right, as usual.” Released earlier this month, Mindless Heart is pure Americana, complete with slide guitar and crooned laments about drinking and loving too much. The full six-piece band, Chris Jamison’s Ghost, will celebrate the album’s release with a show at The Grey Eagle on Wednesday, April 26, at 8 p.m. $10. Photo courtesy of Jamison
Smart bets: Chris Jamison’s Ghost

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