A native of Tulsa, Okla., and the daughter of gospel artist Doyle Tucker and singer Lynda Tucker, Dara Tucker was 4 when she started singing harmony with her six siblings and learned the piano at age 8. After traveling the U.S. and performing with her family for the bulk of her childhood, she moved to Switzerland and developed an interest in songwriting. That passion led her to Nashville, where she wove together seven musical influences — jazz, soul, gospel, Americana, pop, singer-songwriter and theater — on an album appropriately titled The Seven Colors. In addition to her solo work, Tucker also found time to co-write “Oklahoma,” the title track to Keb’ Mo’s 2019 album, which touches on her home state’s Native American history, disasters, musicians and race relations. Tucker and her band stop by Isis Music Hall on Sunday, Aug. 4, for a 7:30 p.m. show. $15. isisasheville.com. Photo courtesy of Tucker
Smart Bets: Dara Tucker

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