Growing up in Raleigh, Jacob Tobia had a range of interests, from playing with both insects and Barbie dolls to wearing dresses and romping in the mud. But since Tobia was considered to be strictly a boy, they were told that they could only pursue masculine options and that the others made them “a sissy” and a pariah. Over the subsequent years, Tobia’s journey of self-acceptance took them to beauty contests, Duke University, the United Nations and the White House, all of which (and more) are chronicled in their memoir, Sissy: A Coming-of-Gender Story. The native North Carolinian — and voice of nonbinary character Double Trouble on Netflix’s animated “She-Ra and the Princesses of Power” — will read from their latest work at Malaprop’s on Tuesday, March 10, at 6 p.m. Free to attend. Author photo by Oriana Koren
Smart Bets: Jacob Tobia

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