For author Matthew Quick, broaching the heavy topic of mental health issues with honesty and wit is a common tactic. That’s what magnetized his debut novel, Silver Linings Playbook — adapted into a wildly popular Oscar-winning film — and it’s just what readers should expect from his latest story, Love May Fail, which details recent divorcee Portia Kane’s efforts to support her troubled ex-teacher, Mr. Vernon. “I intentionally resist labeling my characters,” Quick explains, “because I don’t want readers to interact just with depression or brain injury or the aftermath of sexual abuse, but with a fully fleshed-out human being who is so much more than his or her diagnosis.” For a full Q&A with the author, go here. Quick reads and signs the book at Malaprop’s Bookstore/Cafe on Monday, June 29, at 7 p.m. Free. Author photo by Alicia Bessette
Smart bets: Matthew Quick

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