You don’t have to listen too intently around Asheville to catch the twang of a banjo — especially during the weekend of the North Carolina Banjo Clinic. This annual two-day workshop offers instruction for all levels, from the novice who’s never plucked a string to advanced pickers looking to refine their style. This year’s clinic offers more than ever, including extra collaborative jam classes, banjo maintenance courses and private lessons with the direction and instructor decided by the student. The clinic is led by seasoned banjo masters like Bobby Anderson, who’s been playing for 55 years and teaching for 35. Banjo enthusiasts will gather at Crosspoint Church in Montford on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 11 and 12, beginning at 8:30 a.m. $295/$175 daily. Photo by Rod Johnston
Smart bets: North Carolina Banjo Clinic

There was once a Far Side comic strip that looked exactly like that picture.
(Pausing to let online Mtn X readers Google The Far Side on their phones and them roll their eyes for their demographic).
It featured the Devil leading a band director with his baton into his own private room in Hell.
The private room featured rows and rows of banjo players.
The sad fact is I recognize few of them.
So, is this a clinic that helps detach banjos from people? That’s a worthwhile cause. Where do I donate?
Yes! You found the cartoon in question!
One has to know running a story about a banjo clinic that jokes a plenty will soon follow.
Put sports jerseys on all of them and they’re ready to play the accordion team or drum team for someone’s demented fantasy sports league.
The guys in front are even ‘taking a knee’ just like a high school yearbook sports team photo.
Let’s not bring accordions into this.
The guys in front are even ‘taking a knee’ just like a high school yearbook sports team photo.
That’s because the banjos have taken over their minds. The de-banjofication process is expensive and painful. This clinic is trying to help. Won’t you please give?
I do love a well played banjo (all jokes aside). Fiddle and banjo were played in America as the OC (original county) by members of all shades, socioeconomic groups, etc and don’t let Nashville or the CMA’s tell you different for morons whining about Beyonce playing the most recent one.
Yea, because modern pop country is so true to its roots and cannot stand a pop artist.
Beyonce and Garth are so much more alike than we’d care to admit for watering down
everything wonderful about music.
However…..a whole army of banjos practicing next door might change my mind.
Yes! with the Far Side. I do miss Cartoonmeister Larson.
a few of them.
Peanut gallery talking to itself.
Is someone feeling left out for never having learned to play a musical instrument?
It’s never too late to learn.
There you go constructing an intellectual argument again. Nasty habit.