Drive-By Truckers frontman Patterson Hood was just mastering the art of walking upright when his hometown, Muscle Shoals, Ala., became a mecca for ’60s soul music, and he nearly lost his footing once again when he separated from his band and wife in the same year. “I reinvented myself artistically and experienced a sort of rebirth,” says Hood, recalling the tumult that inspired several subsequent projects. One such work, Heat Lightning Rumbles in the Distance, sees Hood’s soulful beginnings and soul-searching past collide, and although he draws heavily from the rock solo album during performances, Truckers songs inevitably crop up, too. Lydia Loveless, who, according to her website, “could sing the list of ingredients from a bottle of [salad] dressing and break your heart,” opens for Hood at The Grey Eagle on Friday, Dec. 5, at 9 p.m. $17/$20. Photo by Andy Tennille
Smart bets: Patterson Hood

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