Musicians Mark Duncan, Nathan Ebanks, Scott Murphree and James Wilson all lead full lives outside of their band, Straw Man, but they make time to practice “with a serious intensity that [is usually] reserved for those who actually go on the road or become pro,” according to Duncan. And four years in, Ebanks says the band is “still an evolving, unruly adolescent.” The group combines three-part vocal harmonies, galactic synth and guitar licks fit for a Southern highway joyride — and peppers that original repertoire with improvisations or the rare cover song. An upcoming show at The Orange Peel’s PULP lounge will be recorded live and may be released in 2017, Duncan says, which should hold fans over until Straw Man completes its debut album. The foursome plays PULP on Sunday, July 17, at 9 p.m. $7/$5 for members. Photo courtesy of the band
Smart bets: Straw Man

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