Just over a week after the COVID-19 pandemic severely disrupted the Asheville community’s daily life, writer and studio owner Shawndra Russell and multifaceted entertainer and researcher Tommy Calloway launched a new podcast series called The Great Reset. “We can’t go back to the way things were, because the way things were was broken,” Russell says. “This podcast provides a way for us to talk to some really smart, creative and like-minded people who hope that we fundamentally change as a society for the better after this unprecedented time in human history.” As of press time, 29 episodes have been published, featuring conversations with Highland Brewing Co. President Leah Wong Ashburn, educator Kelly Hanson, attorney Derek Allen, N.C. House Rep. Brian Turner and more. thegreatresetmovement.com. Photo of Russell and Calloway courtesy of the artists
Smart Bets: The Great Reset

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