Nationally-recognized yoga institution transfers ownership to ayurvedic wellness organizations

Press release from AyurPrana:

Asheville Yoga Center (AYC) is coming under new leadership, with the previous owners Stephanie and Sunny Keach wishing a heartfelt farewell to the thousands of students and teachers they have helped grow and nurture over the 25 years that AYC has been in operation.

Asheville Yoga Center opened its doors in 1997 and started building a community around the concepts of inclusion and a common love of yoga and wellness. Asheville Yoga Center has grown to be an influential studio and school with their internationally-recognized yoga classes and teacher training programs.

Steph and Sunny Keach have worked tirelessly to make yoga accessible, delivering high-quality and compassionate hatha yoga instruction to help individuals discover movement as a healing modality. United by their shared passion to affect positive change in the world through health, healing, education, and movement – both Sunny and Steph Keach feel very honored and blessed to have stewarded such a thriving community.

Sunny added, “I want to share a heartfelt gratitude to every one of you that showed up along the way to help make this dream a reality. It’s been so very humbling and soul enriching to watch our little idea of opening a yoga studio blossom into something that has had such a positive impact on so many lives. Thank you all so much for allowing me to feel like I’ve made a difference in the world. Hats off to y’all for spreading that yoga love out there. I’m so excited to be handing over our “4th child” to this very capable group of wonderful folks. I wish you all the very best.”

Steph intimated, “I’ve always ‘confessed’ to every teacher trainee that I am teaching them yoga postures and history and how to safely teach, yes, but most importantly, how to love – yourself and others. And with the thousands of trainees, and even more students, that love has been felt around the globe, but more significantly, in my heart and in my soul. I don’t think I could feel more honored and blessed to have made this our life for the past 25 years. It has been the most gratifying thing I think I ever could have done, and never could I have imagined touching the lives of so many. I humbly bow to everyone reading this and thank you for your love and support, as you can see, it reaches beyond the walls of AYC. I just knew in my heart that we would find the next owners, the ‘right owners,’ and wow, it couldn’t have felt more perfect when we met. This new crew brings lifetimes of experience with Yoga’s sister science, Ayurveda. Ayurveda is all about health and well-being and really that’s all I ever wished for with each and every beautiful being that came through our doors.”

This transition signals new beginnings and AYC will continue its influential work in the local yoga community through new owners, sister organizations The Ayurvedic Institute and AyurPrana. The Ayurvedic Institute will relocate their campus to Asheville, North Carolina, and their students will begin attending classes on the AYC grounds in the fall of 2022. The Ayurvedic Institute is now accepting student applications for fall 2022 enrollment of their Ayurvedic Studies Programs 1, 2 and 3.

For over 40 years The Ayurvedic Institute has trained and educated practitioners in the 5,000-year-old ancient healing science of Ayurveda and the move to Asheville offers the Ayurvedic Institute an opportunity to evolve the vision of the Institute’s founder and director, Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc. As students of Vasant Lad, the team at AyurPrana have created a platform for online Ayurvedic immersive experiences and virtual Ayurvedic wellness consults for anyone interested in holistic healing.

To this day, yoga and Ayurveda are kindred healing systems that empower millions of people across the globe with practices and cleanse techniques that enable them to become proactive in their own health and wellness. AYC, The Ayurvedic Institute, and AyurPrana will combine their knowledge and resources to support their clients and students in mind, in body, and in spirit.

The AyurPrana team is looking forward to expanding upon this already vibrant wellness campus in downtown Asheville to welcome students for both the Asheville Yoga Center and the Ayurvedic Institute itself – including the hundreds of students, practitioners, teachers, and support staff that are the heart of these institutions.

Come meet the new owners during The Ayurvedic Institute’s open day for prospective students, media, and interested members of the public on March 31, 2022. Please also join us in thanking Stephanie and Sunny Keach for their dedication, passion and for building a powerful foundation from which this new wellness campus can flourish.

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