OLLI Fall 2021 registration delayed

Press release from UNC Asheville:

Given changing information about the impact of the Delta Variant of COVID-19 and given new guidelines issued for UNC System and UNC Asheville faculty, students, and staff, we at OLLI at UNC Asheville are going to delay our Fall 2021 registration in order to consider the most prudent and sustainable guidelines and possibilities for our programs for Fall 2021.

UNC Asheville and the UNC System issued guidelines on Friday, August 6, that require faculty, students, and staff to provide proof of vaccination by September 1 or to participate in weekly COVID tests. Members of the university community will also be required to wear masks in all indoor spaces.

We are delaying OLLI Fall 2021 registration so that we have time to consult with the university’s senior leadership about the impact of these guidelines on our operations at OLLI and will continue to communicate with our members as completely as possible as we are able. We are considering all of our options for face-to-face and online learning and our capacity to manage new guidelines.

We will open registration when we can be as complete and specific as possible about our Fall 2021 guidelines. We honor all of our instructors and volunteers who have prepared for Fall and will do all that we can to create exciting learning and engagement opportunities.

We appreciate your patience and continuing interest in OLLI. Please know that your health and safety and our values of lifelong learning and community are our primary concerns.

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