Park Ridge Health announces new behavioral health administrative director

Fred Nirde joins Park Ridge Health as administrative director of behavioral health. Photo courtesy of Park Ridge Health

Press release from Park Ridge Health:

Hendersonville, NC (April 7, 2017) – Park Ridge Health welcomes Fred Nirdé, LCSE, CPA, as Administrative Director of Behavioral Health. Nirdé has an extensive career history of innovative leadership in both public and private behavioral health care systems.

As Administrative Director of Behavioral Health, Nirdé is overseeing the broad spectrum of Behavioral Health Services that Park Ridge Health provides to the people of Western North Carolina.
“The vision and mission of Park Ridge Health are very close to my own values and core beliefs,” said Nirdé. “I look forward to working in partnership with the Park Ridge Health Behavioral Health team to navigate our future for the benefit of our patients and the community.”

“We have seen the need for behavioral health services grow at alarming rates here in Western North Carolina,” said Jimm Bunch, Park Ridge Health President and CEO. “Fred’s experience leading organizations dedicated to caring for patients facing behavioral health challenges is a perfect fit as Park Ridge Health takes up the call to meet these needs of our family, friends and neighbors.”

Park Ridge Health’s Behavioral Health Team includes board-certified Psychiatrists who offer care in our inpatient and outpatient settings. We have three inpatient care options, along with a dedicated Primary Care Behavioral Health Physician who works in conjunction with our Primary Care Physicians at our clinical locations.

Park Ridge Health is proud to offer the only dedicated inpatient facility specifically for women in Western North Carolina. The Adult Women’s program is one of only two dedicated facilities in the entire state. The Geropsychiatric Program provides care for men and women 65 and older. Park Ridge Health’s Medical Psychiatric Program is a unique care source for people age 65 and older in our region who need both physical and mental health care.

Along with those comprehensive inpatient care options, Park Ridge Health’s Behavioral Health offers a Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient Program to care for women in our community who need help with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD, trauma, grief and loss.

About Virginia Daffron
Managing editor, lover of mountains, native of WNC. Follow me @virginiadaffron

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