Pritchard Park Songwriter Series lineup announced

Ben Phan at Pritchard Park. Photo by Kat McReynolds

Press release from Asheville Downtown Association:

A selection of Asheville’s musical talents will be showcased in the heart of downtown during the Pritchard Park Songwriter Series. Organized by Asheville Downtown Association, the free series brings local, original music to Pritchard Park on Thursdays, June 7 – Aug. 9, from 5-7 p.m.

On each of the 10 dates, a different act will perform a stripped down, intimate live show:

June 7: Jack Victor & Zack Kardon
June 14: Carly Taich
June 21: April B. and The Cool
June 28: Stevie Lee Combs
July 5: Chelsea LaBate
July 12: Maddie Shuler
July 19: Christy Lynn Band July 26: Indigo De Souza
Aug. 2 & 9: Held as Rain Dates

Its location in the center of a bustling downtown makes Pritchard Park a unique venue for live music. The sounds of performances draw in passing shoppers, downtown employees and lots of waves from the Pubcycle. In that way, shows are interactive for attendees and artists alike.

Through a collaboration with presenting sponsor Echo Mountain Recording, all artists receive two hours of studio time as part of their compensation. Additional sponsors include Asheville FM and McGuire Wood and Bissette Law Firm. This series is also produced in partnership with the City of Asheville, which recently renovated Pritchard Park with new hardscapes, boulder seating, landscaping and more.

All events are open to the public and suitable for all ages. Please note, shows are weather dependent, and lineups are subject to change slightly.

For more information on Asheville Downtown Association’s events, visit

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