Voices in the Laurel hosts Bingo Night fundraiser March 23

Photo by John Highsmith

Press release from Voices in the Laurel:

Voices in the Laurel will be hosting its 3rd Annual Bingo Night fundraiser including a Voices in the Laurel performance by the Treble Makers, Concert, and Chamber Choirs. Bingo Night will be Friday, March 23, at the Haywood County Fairgrounds (758 Crabtree Rd., Waynesville). The doors open at 6 p.m. and Bingo starts at 7 p.m.

Tickets are available by calling (828)564-3310. $20 each includes admission, 20 games of bingo, coffee, a dessert and a chance to win door prizes. There will be great prizes for each bingo winner. Additional cards for the 20 games may be purchased for $10 with 3 “Special Games of Bingo” — $2 each card or all 3 for $5. You may reserve a table of 8 with advance ticket sales – tickets will also be available at the door pending availability.

Gift baskets for game prizes include: Chocolate Lovers, HART Theater Night Out, Hazelwood Sop Company, Balsam Spa, Gardeners Fun, Coffee Lover’s, Vera Bradley Bags and more. Food truck concession by Doc Brown’s BBQ will be available.

Voices in the Laurel is a Haywood County based non-profit choir for young people ranging from 1st grade through 12th grade from Haywood, Buncombe, Jackson, Macon and Swain counties under the direction of Martha Brown. Voices in the Laurel is an authentic program that focuses on providing young people quality choral education in fun and innovative ways.

Laurel Strings is the string ensemble directed by Sarah Smith. The ensemble is open to students in grades 3-12 in area counties who are currently taking private lessons in violin, viola, cello or bass or have taken at least 2 years of lessons in the past and successfully audition.

Voices in the Laurel is continuing music making in its 22nd choir season. The choir program consists of singers that are divided into three choral ensembles. 1st and 2nd graders may join without an audition. Singers in 3rd through 12th grades must pass a musical audition.

For more information, visit www.voicesinthelaurel and find us on Facebook. Tickets available at the door or reserve by calling 828-564-3310.

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