What do you see as the top health challenge facing WNC?
Obesity and the lack of knowledge about how people can eat healthy and get exercise using only what they have at their house. People think walking isn’t something that’s worth doing, but it is. Just walking a couple of minutes a day can help.
What’s the best thing you’ve done for your own health lately?
I’ve always been pretty healthy. I work out a lot, I eat well and I don’t drink on a regular basis. I’ve also always been active in sports, and I still play in an adult soccer league.
Is there something new you plan to do to boost your health in 2019?
I am going to try to sleep better. I’m trying to get into bed before 10 p.m. every day rather than waiting until midnight.
What piece of advice would you give others to help them have a happier, healthier new year?
Don’t worry and stress over things you can’t fix. If it’s not within your ability to change it, just let it go. Stress brings your attitude and your mental state down, and that’s never good.
Karla Furnari is the local coordinator for the Buncombe County Special Olympics, which provides year-round athletic opportunities for individuals with intellectual disabilities.
Ignorant people are obese from eating processed foods and are too lazy to exercise. Look around, they’re everywhere! Fat shaming works when done right! (like when you see fat loud mouthed feminists at a Hillary rally, and ask them if they just got back from the gym!) too funny! lol>>>
Come on fat people get out and exercise like this nice young woman does. You can also be skinny and attractive with a little bit of exercise. That’s all it takes.