District 1, Buncombe County Board of Commissioners: Democrat Jasmine Beach-Ferrara is running unopposed.
Democrat Jasmine Beach-Ferrara is running unopposed. Read her thoughts on zoning, HB2, the economy, body camera footage and more below.
You can also view her campaign finance report here.
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Jasmine Beach-Ferrara,
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About Dan Hesse
I grew up outside of Atlanta and moved to WNC in 2001 to attend Montreat College. After college, I worked at NewsRadio 570 WWNC as an anchor/reporter and covered Asheville City Council and the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners starting in 2004. During that time I also completed WCU's Master of Public Administration program. You can reach me at dhesse@mountainx.com.
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14 thoughts on “District 1, Buncombe County Board of Commissioners: Beach-Ferrera running unopposed”
Say, why is the bond issue so important to the likes of David Tuch? Oh forgive me if no one knows who he is, He runs a landscaping business and his wife is head of the city’s Planning and Design department. Mucho dinero for all the greeway landscaping I assume, Oh I almost forgot, Mayfield’s own little Mountain True is involved as well with money going to promote it. These people are a disgrace but of course no one wants to talk about that.
That’s your problem Moutain Stoopidity. You lack some details in your reporting and your controllers don’t allow you to actually report the facts. And instead focus on this crap. Here;s a little tidbit. Ferrara is weak. Her positions are inept and her basis and thought comes from what government can do. But for some much left wing lunacy happening for so many years, ain’t nothing gotten better for the majority. But if you’re in the clique of cronies, you’re making bank and you life is great.
Here’s a little list of the cronies that should be in jail who are in support of the bond:
Major donors included:
Altamont Environmental ($5,000), an environmental engineering firm that has received several city contracts related to the development of the River Arts District Transportation Improvement Project (RADTIP).
Vaughn and Melton ($5,000), a consulting engineering firm with offices in both Carolinas, Tennessee, Georgia and Kentucky.
McGill and Associates ($2,000), consulting engineers long used by the city, especially on water system projects.
Tennoca Construction Co, ($2,000), veteran of many city jobs; currently performing the $6.9 million Craven Street Improvement Project, part of the city’s deal with New Belgium Brewery.
Mattern & Craig ($1,000), another engineering firm with long ties to city government, principal engineer of the RADTIP.
LOL, Tuch runs Equinox environmental BTW. And the list is made of those who are actively donating money to the pro bond campaign. Wake up folks. The money is being literally taken from you to give to the insiders, the rich, and the corrupt.
The Real World
Interesting……as usual, follow the money. Systemic corruption is the name of the game these days and it’s thoroughly amazing how many people don’t care.
When did adults become so stupid? And somehow bamboozle themselves into believing there will be no price to pay? Go USSA!
Not sure what the U.S. Ski and Snowboarding Association has to do with this, but OK.
Ha, ha…..don’t know what year he uttered this but, “The most puzzling development in politics during the last decade is the apparent determination of Western European leaders to re-create the Soviet Union in Western Europe.” — Mikhail Gorbachev
Gorbachev was talking about the creation of the European Union. That scenario does not correspond to the United States of America… unless you’re saying that the US as it exists today, a union of states, is somehow a Communist enterprise? Washington, Jefferson, Madison, etc, were all early Stalinist/Trotskyite /freedom-hating Commies? Wow.
I doubt that even crotch-grabbing, draft-dodging lunatic Ted Nugent would go that far.
The Real World
Like I said, we are on our way. Don’t get hung up on absolutes as much relevant info or ideas gets missed when people ascribe such tight definitions. How can anyone not say Obamacare is a move in that direction, c’mon.
And now, our undeclared socialists are stomping to get all taxpayers to pony-up for college educations. Hello! I have not heard one comment from the Left addressing measures to deal with THE COST side of higher ed. So pathetically typical of them.
How can any person of average intelligence not see the trajectory? Watch the 13 min video; it’s astonishing. Not that many of us needed Yuri’s heads-up to see what’s happening. Like I’ve said before, people should travel more because they’ve built idealized views of socialist countries. And those like Bernie are only all too happy to push those dreamy, got-my-hands-out buttons. (never heard him say he’d ever been to Scandanavia but he acted like an expert!)
“The goal of socialism is communism” — Vladimir Lenin
— we now have slightly less than DOUBLE the number of government employees than people with jobs in manufacturing. (22+ million govt jobs while 12+ million mfg jobs)
Beep, beep…..hey folks, what does that tell you about the trajectory of America? Yea baby, bring on the TPP so we can continue the “giant sucking sound of jobs leaving the country” as Ross Perot predicted about NAFTA and was SOOOO right. But, we’re a stupid banana republic and will allow Crooked Hillary to champion that thing. She will, no matter what BS lie-of-the-week she’s uttering otherwise, because her Deep State benefactors want it and she owes them big time. (They’re the ones that keep her from indictment.)
Hellooo anybody, how much more can that employment ratio skew before we topple?
And, your rant about the City’s bond referendum has what to do with Jasmin Beach-Ferrera, a candidate for County Commission?
Nothing. And usually MX steps in to remind posters to stay on topic, except when it involves the usual Fox suspects.
Speaking of, ya gotta love Lulz up there, calling MX “stoopid” while misspelling the word “mountain”.
I miss the good ol days when people would actually say ‘it’ out loud-
you know- so you could avoid having them over to your house or working with them.
100 years ago it was okay to say-
A black dude shouldn’t be in the White House
Women shouldn’t be able to hold office or vote
I wear a hood on the weekend and burn crosses in neighbors’ yards I don’t like.
Yes, GOP, the PC movement certainly has made it harder for you to express yourselves. Why, sometimes you even have to consult a thesaurus in order to not sound like David Duke, who you like (wrong!) accept endorsements from (not true!), accept donations from (press is rigged!), yet kind of do.
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Say, why is the bond issue so important to the likes of David Tuch? Oh forgive me if no one knows who he is, He runs a landscaping business and his wife is head of the city’s Planning and Design department. Mucho dinero for all the greeway landscaping I assume, Oh I almost forgot, Mayfield’s own little Mountain True is involved as well with money going to promote it. These people are a disgrace but of course no one wants to talk about that.
That’s your problem Moutain Stoopidity. You lack some details in your reporting and your controllers don’t allow you to actually report the facts. And instead focus on this crap. Here;s a little tidbit. Ferrara is weak. Her positions are inept and her basis and thought comes from what government can do. But for some much left wing lunacy happening for so many years, ain’t nothing gotten better for the majority. But if you’re in the clique of cronies, you’re making bank and you life is great.
Here’s a little list of the cronies that should be in jail who are in support of the bond:
Major donors included:
Altamont Environmental ($5,000), an environmental engineering firm that has received several city contracts related to the development of the River Arts District Transportation Improvement Project (RADTIP).
Vaughn and Melton ($5,000), a consulting engineering firm with offices in both Carolinas, Tennessee, Georgia and Kentucky.
McGill and Associates ($2,000), consulting engineers long used by the city, especially on water system projects.
Tennoca Construction Co, ($2,000), veteran of many city jobs; currently performing the $6.9 million Craven Street Improvement Project, part of the city’s deal with New Belgium Brewery.
Mattern & Craig ($1,000), another engineering firm with long ties to city government, principal engineer of the RADTIP.
LOL, Tuch runs Equinox environmental BTW. And the list is made of those who are actively donating money to the pro bond campaign. Wake up folks. The money is being literally taken from you to give to the insiders, the rich, and the corrupt.
Interesting……as usual, follow the money. Systemic corruption is the name of the game these days and it’s thoroughly amazing how many people don’t care.
When did adults become so stupid? And somehow bamboozle themselves into believing there will be no price to pay? Go USSA!
Not sure what the U.S. Ski and Snowboarding Association has to do with this, but OK.
United States of Soviet America.
Ha, ha…..don’t know what year he uttered this but, “The most puzzling development in politics during the last decade is the apparent determination of Western European leaders to re-create the Soviet Union in Western Europe.” — Mikhail Gorbachev
And we are on our way too. I’ll post this sage info again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bX3EZCVj2XA
A warning to America in 1985, from a pro.
Gorbachev was talking about the creation of the European Union. That scenario does not correspond to the United States of America… unless you’re saying that the US as it exists today, a union of states, is somehow a Communist enterprise? Washington, Jefferson, Madison, etc, were all early Stalinist/Trotskyite /freedom-hating Commies? Wow.
I doubt that even crotch-grabbing, draft-dodging lunatic Ted Nugent would go that far.
Like I said, we are on our way. Don’t get hung up on absolutes as much relevant info or ideas gets missed when people ascribe such tight definitions. How can anyone not say Obamacare is a move in that direction, c’mon.
And now, our undeclared socialists are stomping to get all taxpayers to pony-up for college educations. Hello! I have not heard one comment from the Left addressing measures to deal with THE COST side of higher ed. So pathetically typical of them.
How can any person of average intelligence not see the trajectory? Watch the 13 min video; it’s astonishing. Not that many of us needed Yuri’s heads-up to see what’s happening. Like I’ve said before, people should travel more because they’ve built idealized views of socialist countries. And those like Bernie are only all too happy to push those dreamy, got-my-hands-out buttons. (never heard him say he’d ever been to Scandanavia but he acted like an expert!)
“The goal of socialism is communism” — Vladimir Lenin
To support my point about the USSA being on the way. Article today: “Government Workers Now Outnumber Manufacturing Workers by 9,977,000” http://cnsnews.com/news/article/terence-p-jeffrey/government-workers-now-outnumber-manufacturing-workers-9977000
— we now have slightly less than DOUBLE the number of government employees than people with jobs in manufacturing. (22+ million govt jobs while 12+ million mfg jobs)
Beep, beep…..hey folks, what does that tell you about the trajectory of America? Yea baby, bring on the TPP so we can continue the “giant sucking sound of jobs leaving the country” as Ross Perot predicted about NAFTA and was SOOOO right. But, we’re a stupid banana republic and will allow Crooked Hillary to champion that thing. She will, no matter what BS lie-of-the-week she’s uttering otherwise, because her Deep State benefactors want it and she owes them big time. (They’re the ones that keep her from indictment.)
Hellooo anybody, how much more can that employment ratio skew before we topple?
You’ll be running next year, then?
And, your rant about the City’s bond referendum has what to do with Jasmin Beach-Ferrera, a candidate for County Commission?
Nothing. And usually MX steps in to remind posters to stay on topic, except when it involves the usual Fox suspects.
Speaking of, ya gotta love Lulz up there, calling MX “stoopid” while misspelling the word “mountain”.
I miss the good ol days when people would actually say ‘it’ out loud-
you know- so you could avoid having them over to your house or working with them.
100 years ago it was okay to say-
A black dude shouldn’t be in the White House
Women shouldn’t be able to hold office or vote
I wear a hood on the weekend and burn crosses in neighbors’ yards I don’t like.
Yes, GOP, the PC movement certainly has made it harder for you to express yourselves. Why, sometimes you even have to consult a thesaurus in order to not sound like David Duke, who you like (wrong!) accept endorsements from (not true!), accept donations from (press is rigged!), yet kind of do.