Letter: Clifford brought veterans comfort and calm

LOVE AND LOYALTY: Kevin Rumley, Veterans Treatment Court coordinator for Buncombe County, stands with Clifford, a Warrior Canine Connection facility dog who worked for more than four years with local veterans. Photo courtesy of Warrior Canine Connection

Friday, Aug. 23, would have been Clifford’s seventh birthday. If you were lucky enough to know Clifford, you’d know he was much more than just a dog. He was a Warrior Canine Connection facility dog, trained to bring comfort and calm in the midst of some of life’s hardest battles. For more than four years, he worked alongside me, a Marine Corps veteran, in the Buncombe County Courthouse, giving over 10,000 hours of service to veterans and their families.

Clifford was a steady presence in the Veterans Treatment Court (VTC), where he helped many veterans navigate the challenges of returning to civilian life — whether it was coping with the wounds of war or overcoming personal struggles. But Clifford’s impact wasn’t limited to the VTC; he brought solace to countless children and families in the family services court, too. He was always there with a wagging tail and a gentle nuzzle for anyone who needed it.

Outside the courtroom, Clifford was my closest companion, offering his unconditional love and loyalty every single day. His loss is felt deeply, not just by me, but by the hundreds of lives he touched. Run free, Clifford — you’ll always be remembered with love and gratitude.

— Kevin Rumley
Veterans Treatment Court coordinator,
Buncombe County


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