Letter: Democracy is at stake in Supreme Court case

Graphic by Lori Deaton

In 2005, John Roberts became the chief justice of the Supreme Court. The court has been referred to as the Roberts Court. Although he remains the chief justice, the court needs to be renamed for the foreseeable future as the Gang of Five Court. Justices Thomas, Alito (the current de facto leaders), Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett reign supreme.

These five justices have a radical, activist, right-wing agenda and a disregard for legal precedent. Their robes are red rather than black. In the courts’ last term, the Dobbs decision to remove as a law of the land a woman’s right to choose was their most blatant example in rewriting legal history.

In the current term, the justices chose to adjudicate a case where it is the contention of the North Carolina legislature that, under the Constitution, state legislatures have total authority as to the time, place and manner of an election. In the filing of its brief, the North Carolina legislature contends that the “manner” implies that the legislature without state court interference can independently determine how districts are drawn, and in an election, how votes are counted, recorded and certified.

The will of Asheville voters will be marginalized. The decision by the majority of the court on this case is profound. American democracy is at stake. If the same logic that was used in the Dobbs decision is applied to the North Carolina case, the checks-and-balance system that has been such an important component of fair government will be an obituary.

— Richard Boyum


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4 thoughts on “Letter: Democracy is at stake in Supreme Court case

  1. Enlightened Enigma

    With as much democrat controlled electoral fraud happening over the past two elections, anything the legislature can do to bring VOTER INTEGRITY to NC is welcome !!! Let’s all hope that Cooper’s election fraud buddy Marc Elias goes to prison in the coming wave of convictions !

  2. Voirdire

    right, the so-called Supreme Court has become a complete partisan travesty actively looking to forward the undemocratic agenda of the GOP MAGA folks that put them there. And then there is Chief Justice Roberts.. who just this past week claimed that the Supreme Court needs no additional oversight in response to the latest antics of Justice Thomas and his inability to play by the rules.. to put it mildly. The extreme gerrymandering of NC ( ..now approved by the Supreme Court) by the fascists in Raleigh -Tim Moore et al- is the beginning of legally sanctioned apartheid ..and the beginning of the end of representative democracy in NC.

  3. WNC

    I think you’re expressing your view on constitutionalist other wise known as those who follow the constitution.
    Option 2 non constitutionalist who make it up base on how they feel..

  4. C-Law

    hey Richard!

    A great and wise American once said, “Elections have consequences!”
    –Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetero Jr.

    To piggyback onto the above quote, another from the Nobel laureate former President…”Now you’re just going to have to eat your peas!”


    Shalom and enjoy a divine Shavu’ot! Be a light of Torah in a dark and fallen world that hates wisdom.

    PS–any of you who honestly thinks the “Republic” has existed in anything but name only since the betrayal of the Revolution during the Whisky Rebellion and later reign of Chief Justice Marshall is totally ignorant of history and unqualified to whine about any subsequent abuse of federal or state power versus the individual liberties the Revolution was originally fought to preserve and protect. The Republic has been dead and rotten for so long, there are none left on this continent that are within 4 generations of knowing what “freedom” even feels like! The Constitution of the united States has been a dead letter since at least Marbury v. Madison, arguably much earlier, in fact.

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