Letter: ‘Immocrats’ and abortion rights

Graphic by Lori Deaton

The immigrant vote is a major threat to U.S. abortion rights and has already destroyed the March for Choice (replacing it with the March for Women’s Lives or Women’s March). There hasn’t been a major, single-issue march for choice in a decade, thanks to the immigrant vote (which also brought us anti-gay California Proposition 8)!

The Immocrats could trade for abortion funding at any level of government — nationwide for Trump’s wall — or locally for local immigration enforcement, zoning, local maternity coverage or practically anything else; but they’ve already let in too many Ortega/Maduro/Arafat anti-choice “progressives” to revive choice as a single issue at any level of government.

— Alan Ditmore


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5 thoughts on “Letter: ‘Immocrats’ and abortion rights

  1. Fremont

    Abortion is the killing of a life, Based on available state-level data, approximately 893,000 abortions took place in the United States in 2016—down from approximately 914,000 abortions in 2015. NOW THATS A LOT OF KILLING!

    See ANNUAL ABORTION STATISTICS at http://abort73.com/abortion_facts/us_abortion_statistics/

    See the Abortion Clock for this year at http://www.numberofabortions.com/

    Democrats are committed to protecting and advancing reproductive health, rights, and justice. We believe unequivocally, like the majority of Americans, that every woman should have access to quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion – https://www.democrats.org/party-platform

    Legal Abortion is a funny term, since if someone kills a pregnant women and the child she is carrying it is double murder in some states.

    Since the Republican Party is Pro-Life and the Democratic Party is Pro-Killing who is evil? Why is the Democratic Party for Killing?

    Keep in mind that Abortion is the killing of a life, based on available state-level data, approximately 893,000 abortions took place in the United States in 2016—down from approximately 914,000 abortions in 2015. Now look at the figures for deaths by firearms: 38,552. 854,448 more deaths by abortion then by guns.

    • Lulz

      What he’s saying is that Latinos and Arabs don’t tow the leftist mantra. The left can only hope to import poor welfare needing immigrants to remain relevant. Simply because their platform of abortion and gay rights conflicts with majority Catholic Latinos. And the Arabs won’t tolerate that at all.

      • SpareChange

        “Simply because their platform of abortion and gay rights conflicts with majority Catholic Latinos. And the Arabs won’t tolerate that at all.”

        Where are those LOLs when we need them? I understand that absent stereotypes and political caricatures it’s difficult for some to construct and support an argument (much less one based upon facts), but just as a point of information, it should be noted that U.S. Latino positions on gay rights (particularly marriage) has basically followed the same trend lines over the past several years as the population in general, with 60%+ favoring homosexual marriage, increasing from 37% 10 years prior. This is just a few percent behind non-Hispanic white Americans. On abortion, Latinos largely parallel attitudes expressed by the Catholic population in general, with about 49% expressing that abortion should be legal in all or most cases, in contrast to about 44% who are opposed.

        As for “Arabs,” (I assume you mean Muslims – which is a very different and much larger category of people), here too one sees attitudes following the same trend lines. 51% of Muslims in the U.S. support same-sex marriage, and only 34% are opposed. On abortion, 55% of Muslims in the U.S. express that it should be legal in all or most cases, and 37% expressing that it should be illegal in all or most cases.


      • Big Al

        Nice try, but Democrats are not going to join the GOP to MAGA and “build the wall” based on your silly notion that their immigrant constituents will tip the balance against Roe v. Wade and gay rights.

        Those Latinos and “Arabs” (by which you really mean Muslims, as many immigrants from Arabia are Coptic Christians, Jews, Druze, etc) who came here are either too secular (which is why they came here) to care or too busy laying low to avoid ICE and Homeland Security to speak out about American social issues.

        But thanks for playing.

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