Letter: The elephants in the room

Graphic by Lori Deaton

“Decaying cities, declining economies, and mounting social troubles travel together. The combination is not coincidental.” — author Jane Jacobs

Sounds like Asheville/Buncombe struggles with the TDA and HCA. Unsolved city problems spread to regions. Substitute Robert Moses, the powerbroker of urban renewal, with either or both entities to see a path forward.

Quasi-official boards created by our villain(s) mislead us. Appearing as legitimate, we bow to demands and suffer the daily consequences. Reporters, letters and editorials serve to inform and inspire, but “feet on the street” is evolutionary action. A path forward to egregious profit-driven corporations is “feet on the street.”

— Annie Butzner


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5 thoughts on “Letter: The elephants in the room

  1. Enlightened Enigma

    Wonder if Annie Butzner can name one democrat led city in America that is in good shape ? just one.

      • bsummers

        You gotta rinse-repeat-repeat-repeat. I ran:

        “A path forward to egregious profit-driven corporations is “feet on the street.””

        …through Hmong, and then back to English and then back to Hmong, etc. and eventually I got:

        “One way to earn money is by the way”

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