South Slope Acupuncture & Wellness, a clinic founded by Autum Kirgan, licensed acupuncturist, opened in February.

South Slope Acupuncture & Wellness, a clinic founded by Autum Kirgan, licensed acupuncturist, opened in February.
In the midst of a crisis of opioid addiction and overdoses, patients and doctors alike are seeking out alternatives to opioid medication for relieving pain. Ranging from medicinal herbs to acupuncture to biofeedback, options abound — offering both hope and a bewildering array of choices.
Traditional Chinese medicine uses cupping as a conjoint modality with acupuncture. Now massage therapists are using the technique and creating alternative, safer methods of using cups for healing.
“Much better to retain some curiosity and openness to the possibility that the world has a few surprises left in store for us.”
There’s something for every woman at this annual gathering, participants say. Many women make it a point to attend the event each year, because it makes them feel nourished and empowered.
“If you purport to be a newspaper, practice responsible journalism.”
I realize that the Mountain Xpress has a mission to publish “alternative” information which is often excluded from more mainstream media outlets. Yet the article in the latest issue on stone healing [“Stone Medicine: Healing Power From the Earth,” Feb. 18, Xpress] is so over the top in its claims of healing efficacy that I had to […]
Touch has the power to heal, or at the very least to soothe us when we’re not feeling well. In Asheville, several practitioners apply this power, using a method of therapeutic touch created in the 1970s by Dora Kunz and Delores Krieger. “We are energy fields,” says Padma Dyvine, an Asheville-based practitioner for more than 20 years […]
WHAT: Southeast Wise Women Herbal Conference WHERE: Camp Rockmont in Black Mountain WHEN: Friday-Sunday, Oct. 10-12 Bound by shared womanhood and a passion for natural healing, more than 1,000 women will gather in Black Mountain for the 10th annual Southeast Wise Women Herbal Conference. Over the past decade, the event has grown to become the […]
When I first walk into his office, Abbas Rakhshani offers me a warm, generous hug. “Hugging communicates and transfers energy,” he says. I immediately feel comforted by his calm, compassionate presence. And by the end our interview, I feel like I’ve had a healing session myself. Rakhshani opened the Yoga Wellness Center in South Asheville […]
Local writer Dennis Teal-Fleming calls himself a “modern medicine junkie.” However, his neighbors’ faith in alternative medicine inspire him to strike up a conversation with his doctor at Mountain Area Health Education Center in Asheville about the different ways her patients achieve health and well-being.
Much of the practical integration of medicine is happening at clinics, where individual doctors simply make up their minds to try a new approach. (Pictured: Drs. Brian Lewis and Chad Krisel; photo by Max Cooper)
Asheville is the health care hub for Western North Carolina, and Mission Health is a major presence, dominating a swath of town that’s thick with doctor's offices. Since 2009, however, this bastion of mainstream medicine has boasted an Integrative Healthcare Department whose staff includes nurses trained in aromatherapy, massage, guided imagery and biofeedback.
Every Thursday at 4 p.m., Michael Davis swaps the white cotton maintenance uniform with his last name stitched on the chest for a silky jacket with a dragon embroidered on the back. Then he hurries to the activity room at the Asheville Terrace Apartments on Tunnel Road, where he teaches a one-hour tai chi class. […]
When it comes to health care, it’s all about knowing where to look, according to members of the Sassafras Health Collective. The collective recently published a health resource guide to help folks know their health care options, whether it’s acupuncture or primary care.
Warren Wilson hosts a weekend of collaboration, brainstorming, environmental advocacy and education, with a team of experts, including James Duke, author of The Green Pharmacy. April 17-19. $65.