“Western North Carolinians are concerned about record-breaking temperatures, extreme weather and the degradation of the environment they experience in their everyday lives.”

“Western North Carolinians are concerned about record-breaking temperatures, extreme weather and the degradation of the environment they experience in their everyday lives.”
“Take a moment to contact your representatives in Raleigh. Let them know you want effective action to stop climate change.”
For many environmental organizations across Western North Carolina, COVID-19 fell like a lightning-struck tree across the path to progress. But like an intrepid hiker, WNC’s activists and organizers have bushwhacked new trails for action in the world of the pandemic.
“We need to act now to set better targets before society returns to business as usual.”
Asheville City Council will urge Congress to pass the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, which is aimed at reducing fossil fuel use by imposing a tax that would increase over time. Before the 6-1 vote approving the board’s resolution, with Council member Brian Haynes opposed, members of the public weighed in on whether imposing such a tax is the right step.
“I would like to celebrate the 40 young members of Sunrise Movement Asheville who had the courage to exercise civil disobedience on Dec. 6 by occupying Asheville City Hall.”
“Once in the Senate, I will push to change this so that the city and county can control this tax. We need more funding for infrastructure and services!”
“Fortunately, there appears to be a growing realization that a massive, war-like mobilization effort is needed to combat the climate crisis.”
Taking place at the Vance Monument from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 20, the rally brings together 15 area organizations in a call for change. The speaker lineup includes Anita Simha with the North Carolina Poor People’s Campaign, Lucia Ibarra of Dogwood Alliance, the Rev. Scott Hardin-Nieri from the Creation Care Alliance, UNC Asheville Assistant Professor Evan Couzo and Sunrise Movement member Shane McCarthy.
“This is a pivotal moment to speak out about the climate crisis. Elected leaders need to understand there is a growing groundswell of support for climate solutions.”
Jim Tolbert of the Citizen’s Climate Lobby encouraged members of the Buncombe County Tourism Development Authority to support the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, a bill that aims to reduce carbon emissions through a tax on fossil fuel companies.
Twelve years: That’s how long humanity has left to hold global warming below the key level of 1.5 degrees Celsius, according to an October report by the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. In light of that sobering reality, these developments from 2018 had the biggest potential impact on Asheville’s contribution to climate change.
The Asheville chapter of a national environmental group is pushing a plan it believes can win bipartisan support for combating climate change.
“On Sept. 30, the Citizens’ Climate Lobby and the UNCA Student Environmental Center are hosting a workshop titled Constructive Communication & Engagement on Climate Change. It will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. at the UNCA Brown Hall, Room 218.”
“The Citizens Climate Lobby, which I only recently discovered, believes there is common ground to be found between progressives and conservatives on climate, and that finding it begins with listening to those we generally dismiss and disparage and creating programs that integrate the values and concerns of all sides.”
“So, on June 9, Adm. Titley will be discussing a somewhat different approach to understanding climate risks — i.e., from the national security perspective — and it’s an approach that offers common ground for all sides of the climate debates.”
“Most of all, I want my children, your children and our grandchildren to grow up in a world with a stable climate.”
“The increased costs for carbon-intensive goods will motivate our transition away from fossil fuels, while the dividend will help offset the rising costs and allow us to funnel money back into our economy (food, retail, health care, etc.). “
“To help the lobbying effort, Citizens’ Climate Lobby urges everyone who wants to support this sensible solution to make calls to their senator and representatives on Monday, June 20.”
“Aid agencies can’t properly help people affected by climate change because, of the $1 billion spent globally every day on climate finance, only 6 percent of it goes to adaptation support.”
“We know from published accounts of the oil, coal and gas companies how much they sell, and if all their products are burned (a good assumption) there will be enough CO2 added to the atmosphere to double the amount we have already seen.”