“Stop building things from the top down! Start with a foundation! The foundation of a district is its people.”
Tag: Democracy
Showing 22-39 of 39 results
Letter: How can democracy work without public schools?
“The schools may need help, better-educated teachers, more money for students in every district, not just one’s own, but without some commonly accepted knowledge, how will our nation survive?”
Letter: We need creative responses to transform our institutions
“I believe preschool and primary grades of schooling are more attuned to children’s needs, but after that, the schools are geared more to fitting children into our dysfunctional and polarized society.”
Letter: Fourth Estate steps up for open meetings
“If our elected representatives find it too time-consuming or inconvenient to listen to their citizenry, they should resign — or not have run for public responsibility initially.”
Letter: Participate at local level, where change happens
“Depending on your situation, choose a specific activity to do your little part to make our part of the world a bit better.”
Letter: Urge leaders to defend our democracy
“Send a message asking for every vote to be counted to every elected official you can think of.”
Letter: Advocate for fair districts reform
“[W]e cannot afford to lose representation for hard-to-count communities that are often already disenfranchised in our electoral system.”
Letter: Dare to vote
“This means that Super Tuesday’s results, your vote, may very well decide whether we have candidates who have the wisdom to preserve civilization or send it tumbling into violent, freedom-less, ecologically demolished chaos.”
Letter: Reclaim our rights as voters
“Let your state senator and representative, plus Tim Moore, speaker of the House, and Phil Berger, president pro tem of the Senate, know you support fair redistricts (vote411.org provides contact info).”
Letter: Educating our children
“Schools are not waiting rooms for our youths, but an active development of what it is to be human on a global scale.”
Letter: How can all voices be heard on important issues?
“Rather than being frustrated at seemingly low public buy-in, how can we accommodate the disparity between those who are immediately able to participate in politics and those who are not?”
Letter: We need to create healthy, secure children and young adults
“We all bear some degree of responsibility to inspire and ignite the imagination, instilling a love of learning and service to others that leads to active participation in our democracy.”
Letter: Our power is in our vote!
“Only by your vote can the needs of the people be taken seriously.”
Letter: We must rekindle the fire of resistance
“To prevent the demise of our democracy, we must participate in it.”
Letter: Can democracy work at the food co-op level?
“I joined the co-op because I wanted to support an alternative to the corporate economy. … I would like for it to be a model of democratic governance, of community, and to fulfill its mission statement ‘to be a transformative force in our community and in our world.’ At this point, is there any way to do this?”
Letter writer: We should be discussing Trump administration
“As a patriot, I am furious that the First Amendment, the right to gather in peaceable protest and right to freedom of speech, is being threatened.”
Letter writer: Taking a crash course in democracy
“Seems the only way to rise above the grief and dread I wake to every day is to be active, to be learning how to make change, not just talking about it.”
Appointment is not democracy
On July 26, 2011 the following was printed in the Mountain Xpress article “Field of Schemes?” about the proposed new Statehouse districts: “‘Less than a quarter of Buncombe County's population is Republican,’ noted Register of Deeds Drew Reisinger, who was Democratic Rep. Patsy Keever's campaign manager. ‘Yet they've drawn the districts so there will likely […]