“North Carolina and South Carolina have been a region through the years that has championed family values.”

“North Carolina and South Carolina have been a region through the years that has championed family values.”
“I would like to know why North Carolina, Buncombe County and the city of Asheville don’t help people with disabilities.”
This past December, Big Pillow Brewing hosted its soft opening, making it the third craft brewery in Madison County, joining the Mad Co. Brew House in Marshal and the Hickory Nut Gorge Brewery in the restored Mars Hill Theatre in Mars Hill.
“North Carolina’s capital punishment has not done a better job deterring murder than Michigan’s life-in-prison rule: Homicide rates for the two states are virtually the same.”
“We need help. We are pleading with the city of Asheville, with Buncombe County and with the state of North Carolina to provide us with some relief and some assistance.”
On Saturday, Feb. 2, the Rural Heritage Museum will open its latest exhibit, A Fountain of Youth in the Southern Highlands: A History of Hot Springs, North Carolina.
“Let’s all make women reappear instead of disappear politically and the ‘year of the woman’ commonplace and not just about 2018.”
Commissioners voted Oct. 16 to put a 40-hour cap on the number of hours employees can sell back to the county, a decision that could save the county about $370,000 per year.
Two local agencies, the Needle Exchange Program of Asheville and The Steady Collective, provide clean needles and other supplies to help reduce the negative health effects of habitual drug use in Western North Carolina. Now Buncombe County is considering starting a program of its own to combat an increase in diseases transmitted by reusing and sharing needles.
Sylvan Sport founder Tom Dempsey says the inspiration for his company’s adventure camping trailers comes from spending time outdoors — and there’s no better place to find inspiration than this area. “We couldn’t do what we do anywhere else,” he says.
“Chronic pain sufferers must now go to ‘pain clinics,’ where if marijuana is found in their urine, they will promptly be deprived of the medication they need to function.”
Starting on April 14, CIMA and other local advocacy groups received word that Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents were detaining people in the Asheville area.
“Especially in Asheville, where ongoing positive publicity has been drawing in tourists and new residents with ever more potential for growth and wealth, it is necessary that this prosperity is intentionally, systematically and consistently shared with all who are employed in the region.”
Fifteen candidates, most of them Democrats, have thrown their hats into the ring for offices elected in Buncombe County as of 9 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 13.
A town hall meeting on Jan. 30 at A-B Tech sought to describe the scope of the opioid epidemic. In 2016, 17 million painkillers were prescribed in Buncombe County, which amounts to about 68 pills for every person in the county.
“Proper oral health for all shouldn’t be seen as something only in a perfect world. We should fight for it, for our neighbors, our elderly, our youth, for everyone who thinks one’s health is important.”
In Mission’s NICU, the youngest patients in the hospital system and their parents receive extraordinary levels of care and support that help these babies through their roughest moments and then go on to thrive. These stories will break your heart and open it at the same time.
In Western North Carolina and across the country, labor unions seem to be a dying breed these days, and many local residents don’t seem overly concerned about it. Yet WNC’s complex history of unionization stretches back to the late 19th century. From high-profile labor disputes and the emergence of “right to work” laws to the […]
With Veterans Day fast approaching, the customary forms of American celebration will be prominently on display: parades through city streets, moments of silence briefly interrupting broadcast media, solemn ceremonies at landmarks across the country, special discounts at restaurants and shops. Beyond those symbolic gestures, however, stands a large and growing need to support the many […]
Though the battles were fought half a world away, WWI had a profound and lasting impact on Western North Carolina. As the state gears up for a big centennial retrospective on North Carolina’s involvement in the Great War, local researchers have worked to bring WNC residents’ stories and experiences to contemporary audiences.
“And so [as] far as I’m concerned, for printing that for money, you’re nothing but greedy and immoral, and people who vote for these conservatives are voting for a complete destruction of this state.”