Each year, local merchants around downtown Asheville decorate their shop windows in celebration of the season — and to win bragging rights as the Downtown Holiday Windows Contest winners. The competition, held by the Asheville Downtown Association, features an annual theme: this year’s is “Light up the holidays.”
Winners, selected by a team ADA members of media personalities (including this writer), include Hip Replacements and Purl’s Yarn Emporium, in a tie for Judge’s Favorite; Patton Avenue Pet Company for Best Interpretation of Theme; and The Chocolate Fetish for Best Use of Merchandise.
Participating businesses also include Asheville Community Theatre, Asheville Museum of Science, Diamond Brand Outdoors, Duncan and York Modern Market, Embellish Asheville, Fired Up! Creative Lounge, HomeTrust Bank, Horse + Hero, Keating Dental Arts, Kilwins, Mast General Store, Sensibilities Day Spa, Southern Charm, Spiritex, Ten Thousand Villages, Tops for Shoes, Traveling Chic Boutique, Wedding Inspirations and the Weinhaus.

SHINING EXAMPLES: “Local heroes light up our community — so can you!” reads the window of Purl’s Yarn Emporium. Sock monkeys nominate local activists like DeWayne Barton and Franzi Charon for the honor.

PUPPY LOVE: Patton Avenue Pets’ display features furry friends, of course, as well as symbols of Christmas and Hanukkah.

RETRO DONE RIGHT: Clothing store Hip Replacements was inspired by the TV show “STranger Things,” interpreting the holiday theme in spooky ’80s style.

HOPE FOR THE HOLIDAYS: Fired Up! Creative Lounge displayed this inspirational message along with other examples of art that can be made instore.

MAKE A WISH: The Dunkin & York shop windows on Lexington Avenue showcased whimsical and classic Christmas decor.

Handmade treats at The Chocolate Fetish.

A holiday scene at Duncan and York.

Patten Avenue Pet Company gets festive.

Happy thoughts at Duncan and York.

Window decorations at Traveling Chic Boutique.

A detail at Ten Thousand Villages.

“Good vibes only” at Duncan and York.

A closeup at Purl’s Yarn Emporium.

Patton Avenue Pet Company.

Holiday windows at Fired Up!

A detail at Ten Thousand Villages.
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