ASHEVILLE N.C.— Since 1997, the one constant in punk band Against Me! has been Laura Jane Grace. The frontwoman’s life over that span of years, however, has been anything but static. In 2012, she transitioned from male to female at the age of 31, a change that naturally affected her music. A work-in-progress at the time of Grace’s transition, 2014’s Transgender Dysphoria Blues helped her process the struggles she was then facing, and was followed in 2016 by Shapeshift With Me, the rare album about relationships from a trans perspective. A year and a half after Grace burned her birth certificate onstage at Durham’s Motorco Music Hall to protest HB2, Against Me! returns to North Carolina for a show at The Orange Peel on Saturday, Oct. 21, at 8 p.m. Bleached and The Dirty Nil open. $20 advance/$23 day of show. Photo by Casey Curry
Smart Bets: Against Me!

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