As shown by the recent Xpand Fest and All Go West, the Asheville area is rich in a range of musical styles. Such daylong, multivenue festivals can feel a bit daunting, however, making an event like the Asheville Mish-Mash Bash a far more approachable option. On Sunday, June 24, at The Grey Eagle, four local acts will take to the stage for 45 minutes apiece on the hour, every hour, 7-10 p.m. Hosts Stephen Evans & the True Grits start off the night with a set of folk rock, followed by prog-rocker Kyle Corbett and special guests, indie-rockers Daydream Creatures and recent NewSong LEAF Singer-Songwriter Competition winner Carly Taich, whose folk-pop stylings will be accompanied by violinist Alex Travers. $8 advance/$10 day of show. Photo of Daydream Creatures, courtesy of the band
Smart Bets: Asheville Mish-Mash Bash

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