Ever since he was a 6-year-old known as Lil JJ, Asheville native Jamal Valentine has been writing rhymes and deepening his passion for hip-hop. Building from those early scribblings in his school notebook, he’s stuck with his craft and released a series of singles, mixtapes and EPs under the name Dhat Boy Val. The rapper’s most recent project, the RIP My Pops EP, reflected on the loss of his father and paved the way for a busy 2018. To celebrate the release of his new single “Sex on a Pedestal,” set to be on a mixtape due out April 30, Dhat Boy Val performs Saturday, March 3, at 10 p.m., at Timo’s House. Backing him on the turntables will be DJ Twan. Free. timos-house.com. Photo courtesy of the artist
Smart Bets: Dhat Boy Val

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