Since recording SOCKS in the spring, JD McPherson has told some friends and associates of its pending release, then witnessed their faces go from excited to disappointed when he reveals that it’s a Christmas album. “I have to explain to them how incredibly proud I am of it, and how I rate it as an actual album, as opposed to some kind of stopgap or cash grab,” he says in a press release. “It’s 11 original songs. I think it’s some of my very best lyrical work.” The collection sports such titles as “Ugly Sweater Blues,” “Santa’s Got a Mean Machine” and “Hey Skinny Santa!” McPherson says recording them was the most fun he and his band have had in a studio together. The five-piece brings its Rock ’n’ Roll Christmas Tour to The Grey Eagle on Saturday, Dec. 8, at 9 p.m. Nashville-based Eddie Angel’s Guitar Party opens. $17 advance/$20 day of show. Photo by Joshua Black Wilkins
Smart Bets: JD McPherson

This show has been rescheduled for Saturday, May 25.