Multiple members quit Kansas Bible Company after the 11-person group moved into one Nashville home. The remaining seven were left pondering life’s changes — a theme that informed their 2016 album, Paper Moon. A three-piece horn section pipes in above the group’s signature amped-up, retro-rock sound, which, on this latest work, gives way to occasional displays of vulnerability and theatrics. “We wanted to focus on good pop writing, then make those songs a little bit weird and interesting by adding different textures,” says bassist Nathan Morrow. “Before, we’d start with the textures and then figure out the song, [but] we decided to do the opposite here. We wanted to make sure we could play the song on an acoustic guitar, first.” Kansas Bible Company plays a free show at the Salvage Station on Saturday, July 16, at 8 p.m. Photo by Laura Partain
Smart bets: Kansas Bible Company

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