“I started singing for my supper toward the end of college,” says Maryland-based singer-songwriter Paul Pfau. Several years later, the musician’s soulful rasp landed him a spot on NBC’s “The Voice” and the guidance of Pharrell Williams. Since then, he’s kept busy touring and recording the follow-up to his debut full-length album, Happy to Be. “I feel like most people think that, once you are on one of these shows, that everything after that is gonna be taken care of for you,” he says. “I think it just helps you jump in the game at a higher level, but you have to be willing to maintain, and then exceed, that work ethic. It’s not a means to an end. It’s a catalyst.” So, it’s back to the touring grind for Pfau, who has a solo acoustic set of new tunes (and the occasional cover) in mind for his Asheville debut. The musician opens for all-female country quartet Sweet Claudette at The Altamont Theatre Friday, Oct. 16, at 8 p.m. $15/$18. thealtamont.com. Photo by Andrew Murdock of Natural Artistry
Smart bets: Paul Pfau

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