On Wednesday, Feb. 5, precisely halfway between the Super Bowl and the Academy Awards, Studio A at the Historic Cotton Mill Studios — home to Daidala Ciders and the Andy Herod Gallery — plays host to a musical reunion. Longtime singer-songwriter friends gathering for the occasion are Durham-based Reid Johnson, who’ll mark the end of an eight-day string of gigs down to New Orleans and back under his Sun Studies moniker with tourmate and Asheville resident Joshua Carpenter, who also plays drums in Johnson’s band, Schooner. Completing the trilogy of sets is Herod himself, whose connection to the co-billers goes back to their time in Carrboro. According to Johnson, the three haven’t played together since Herod’s band, Electric Owls, and Schooner opened for Archers of Loaf in 2011. It all starts at 8 p.m. Free to attend. daidalaciders.com. Photo of Carpenter courtesy of the musician
Smart Bets: Sun Studies, Joshua Carpenter & Andy Herod

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