Asheville Creative Arts, Western North Carolina’s award-winning children’s theater, opens its fifth season with The Little Red Riding Hood Show. The postmodern take on the fairy tale explores storytelling in the 21st century. “In this play, Little Red and her mother grapple with some of the modern-day ‘wolves’ that are lurking, particularly in cyberspace,” says co-director Abby Felder. “We are excited to produce this show … because it uses humor and great writing, delivered by terrific performances from a stellar cast, to explore what people of all ages are confronted with as we increasingly lead our lives online.” Asheville Creative Arts performs The Little Red Riding Hood Show at The Magnetic Theatre on Friday, April 7, at 7 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday, April 8 and 9, at 1 and 4 p.m. $23/$12 students. Photo by Joe Gill
Smart bets: The Little Red Riding Hood Show

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