Dr. Christopher Emdin specializes in Reality Pedagogy, a fluid education model that adapts to the student’s cultural experiences. Emdin’s teachings will be the focus of Organic Synergy’s 2017 Winter Forum. Educators and community members of all ages are invited to this free event, which begins with a buffet-style meal followed by a pre-recorded lecture by Emdin. The evening will culminate with a panel discussion hosted by Nex Millen, pictured, founder of musical education firm Organic Synergy. Panelists include Jen Ramming, executive director of the Open Doors of Asheville mentor program and Brian Randall, executive director of the IRL After School Program. Those who attend will receive a copy of Emdin’s book, Urban Science for the Hip-Hop Generation, and a link to the lecture. The forum takes place at the YMI Cultural Center on Tuesday, Feb. 21, at 6 p.m. ymiculturalcenter.org. Photo courtesy of Millen
Smart bets: Transforming Education Through Hip-Hop Culture

This is genius and compassion meeting hand in hand. I have the privilege of knowing a few of the gentleman running and working in this program and could not be more proud of what they do. Thank you Xpress for putting out the news about this event.
Love this! Seeing my daughter learn the musical Hamilton has opened my eyes to the powerful educational influence that music can provide. We would be happy to see our country embrace more musical learning methods!
Hey there — I tried to attend this event but managed to go the wrong day -haha, oopsie. I tried to call the YMI cultural center and ask about a link to the lecture but nobody had any further information on where I could maybe find this. Does Mountain Xpress have that information by chance? I’d be so appreciative.