Artists & Writers Retreat at Lake Logan Conference Center, May 14-19


Press release from Cullowhee Arts:

Cullowhee Arts and Lake Logan Conference Center invite artists and writers to a special 6-day, 5-night retreat, May 14-19, for art-making, writing, resting, boating, hiking or communing with the natural world in nearly 350 acres of unspoiled wilderness. Dr. Newton Smith, poet and writer, and Norma Hendrix, Cullowhee Arts executive director, painter and mixed media artist will be poet and artist in residence to facilitate and lead creativity and mindfulness sessions. Cullowhee Arts is a non-profit organization that seeks to support artists and writers with meaningful and enriching experiences. The match with Lake Logan, also a non-profit organization, makes our retreats truly exceptional since the two organizations share the same vision.

Artists and writers come to be with like-minded imaginative souls and refill their creative wells while being nurtured with time and space to serve their art. Charming and comfortable lodging, three meals each day prepared by Lake Logan’s chef, 24 hours a day access to studios, morning mindfulness sessions, writing prompts with afternoon workshopping, and morning drawing sessions are all options for those who attend. Additional evening presentations and creativity conversations, two afternoon yoga sessions, and massages by appointment are available to all participants part of this “whole artist-writer,” all-inclusive retreat.

Newton Smith has lived on a farm high in the mountains of western North Carolina since 1968. He taught creative writing, technical writing, and modern poetry, and fiction at Western Carolina University. His work has appeared in numerous publications including: Southern Poetry Review, Carolina Quarterly, Trace, Apple, Ann Arbor Review, The Miscellany, Pebble, Laurel Review, Quartet, Asheville Poetry Review, Rivendell, Jonah, Main Street Rag, Pisgah Review, International Poetry Anthology, and others. He recently walked the 500-mile Camino de Santiago and in 2016 published Camino Poems, a selection of poems composed on that pilgrimage. He just finished a children’s book and has a manuscript of recent poems under consideration.

Norma Hendrix holds a BFA from Ohio University, an MA from Western Carolina University, and an MFA from Johnson State College, Vermont. An active teacher, she has served as undergraduate and graduate faculty in the School of Art and Design at Western Carolina University. She has been involved in creating children’s and adult art educational programs for over 35 years. Hendrix founded and served as director of Studio 598, a teaching studio for children and adults in Sylva, NC, held the position of director of education at The Bascom Art Center in Highlands, NC, and is currently the founder and executive director of Cullowhee Mountain ARTS. She maintains an active exhibition schedule, and her work is held in several private collections, nationally and internationally.

For details visit or call 828-342-6913 to register.

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