Black Mountain College Museum and Art Center offers home-based programs

Press release from Black Mountain College Museum + Art Center:

We’re joining museums and galleries around the world in offering remote alternatives to our in-person exhibitions and programs. We’ve created a new resource where you can find ways to experience art and performance, learn more about Black Mountain College and its artists, and even participate in virtual events.

In addition to sharing our own virtual events, we are also spreading the word about independent and third-party concerts and experiences that you can take part in from home. This week, you can listen to a performance of Bach by Johnny Gandelsman, participate in a deep listening exercise organized by ICE Ensemble and take part in a Wikipedia Edit-a-thon to raise awareness for the women of Black Mountain College.


Over on our Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, we’re sharing daily posts, creative prompts, updates, and articles, plus curator-led video tours of the exhibition Question Everything! The Women of Black Mountain College on Instagram Stories.

We were inspired by John Cage’s famous score 4’33”, in which a performer sits at a piano for that length of time, allowing for the sound of the room to create the music and inviting deep listening. Today we give you the opportunity to take 4 minutes and 33 seconds to sit in silence and listen to the world around you, whether that’s the sound of your children playing in the next room, birds outside your window, or a pot simmering on the stove.

If you want to share what you hear during your 4′ 33″, tag us with #BlackMountainAtHome.

Let us know how you’re experiencing BMC from home!

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