In Theaters. So last week was grim in mainstream land. This week we’re looking at two sequels and one movie adapted from a videogame. On the other hand, we do get one terrific art title and one very good one. So all is not lost. In fact, quite the opposite — at least on one […]
The Second Annual More-or-Less Live Oscar Coverage — Updated with a Little Post-Mortem Snark
Just like last year, I’m setting this up so I can comment throughout the evening on the trainwreck (in my book) that is the year’s Oscars. Feel free to comment throughout, but remember, if you’re going to swear, let me know so I can clear your post. Is anyone here really involved in this year’s […]
Cranky Hanke’s Adventures in Netflix No. 2
I should probably try to do this weekly, because I’m logging in too many titles over the space of two weeks to deal with all of them. At the same time, the problem of diminishing choices seems likely to set in fairly quickly. That appears to be the single greatest problem with Netflix. I also feel […]
Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler May 25-31 High-Rise Love & Friendship X-Men Splash Through the Looking Glass
In Theaters. This week we get two new mainstream movies (big budget variety), four art titles and the “offcial” opening (with two of the art titles) of the Grail Moviehouse. It can fairly be called a week of some note in the local movie world. And one with its share of choices. Of course, the […]
Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler June 1-7: Me Before Popstar Lobster Turtles
In Theaters. Last week boasted such titles as Love & Friendship, High-Rise and A Bigger Splash. So far as I know all of these are still playing this week. (Update: A Bigger Splash is being dropped on Friday.) This is something you will do well to remember as we move forward. Oh, there’s one worthy art title, […]
Screen scene: Local film news
The Grail screens a hemp documentary, Hank Bones premieres his second feature film at The Wedge and Brenda Lunsford Lilly’s State of Grace has a reunion at the ATX Television Festival.
Screen scene: Local film news
A documentary on Saluda’s music traditions debuts, North Asheville Library screens underseen rock musicals and NYS3 hosts a week of workshops at deep discount.
Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler April 20-26: A Nixon Huntsman Hologram Miles Ahead Everybody Wants
In Theaters. This week the art titles have it — four art titles to one mainstream title, and a mainstream title I’m unconvinced there’s a long felt want for. I might be surprised by this, but I kind of doubt it. We shall see. Last weekend was a strange one for me — simply because […]
Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler May 18-24: Angry Meddler Neighbor Nice Guys
In Theaters. The Captain America juggernaut continues apace, but three mainstream titles are attempting to slow it down. Two of them might have a chance — slim though it is. The other not so much, and the lone art title opening locally certainly won’t dethrone it. And there’s more news, too. That more news is […]
Screen scene: Local film news
Mechanical Eye screens original VHS works from San Francisco’s Artists’ Television Access gallery and Frank Thompson’s June directors course explores Orson Welles at Asheville School of Film.
Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler May 11-17: Sing the Infinity Darkness Monster
In Theaters. Nothing huge — in the mainstream box office sense — is headed our way this week because Captain America is certain to rule the roost in its second week. So we get one potentially interesting movie and one low-budget PG-13 horror picture. However, we also get one pretty good indie/art title and one […]
Screen scene: Local film news
The Carolina Cinemark hosts the 6th annual Grateful Dead Meet-up at the Movies, The Fine Arts Theatre screens Thunder Road and FierceFlix accepts summer camper applications.
Cranky Hanke’s Screening Room: Adventures in Netflix Part One
Though I fought it off as long as I could and at first used it strictly to explore — sometimes fruitfully, more often not — new titles for the Thursday Horror Picture Show, I freely admit that I have become something of a Netflix junkie. The irony here is that it’s not even my account. […]
Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler May 4-10: Remember Captain America (Like you could forget)
In Theaters. All right. Here it is. Summer is “officially” here according to Hollywood. (I could swear it was “officially” here once already this spring, but I guess that was a test case.) Here we have the movie that’s so big that not only does nothing — apart from a single lonely art title locally […]
Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler April 27-May 3: Papa Keanu Green Mother’s Day Clank
In Theaters. If it weren’t for the one new art title and the surprise addition of a more-or-less art title that showed up at the last minute, this would frankly look like one of those weekends the pages of history tell us is best spent with DVDs — or at least with worthy holdovers from […]
Screen scene: Local film news
North Asheville Library screens Elvis musicals, Asheville School of Film offers Film History and Appreciation seminars and registration opens for FierceFlix summer film camp.
Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler February 23-March: 1 Triple Eagle Son of Egypt & the World
In Theaters. Three mainstream titles and two art ones head our way this week. I can’t honestly say it’s the most exciting-looking week I’ve ever seen, but neither is it the worst. I suppose there’s something to be said for a weekend that doesn’t actively make you want to hide behind the sofa till the […]
Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler March 30-April 5: I Saw God’s Eye in the Sky — Plus AFS news
In Theaters. There’s nothing terribly exciting this week, but after last week’s mammoth blockbuster of Batman v Superman — not to mention the local art semi-blockbuster of Hello, My Name Is Doris — you almost have to expect a slump, especially since neither of those are likely to go away any time soon. But we […]
Screen scene: Local film news
The Oakley/South Asheville Library hosts Anime and Art Afternoon, Maryedith Burrell leads a screenwriting workshop at NYS3 and Mechanical Eye Microcinema exceeds its Kickstarter goal.
Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler April 13-19: The Barbershop Criminal Jungle
In Theaters. Well, we were down for one art/indie title this week, but it got pushed back to Aprill 22, leaving us with three mainstream titles. One of these is in the Next Big Thing category. The others are…less anticipated — possibly not anticipated at all. I freely confess to being unable to work up […]
Screen scene: Local film news
The Fine Arts Theatre hosts a Works in Progress screening, the Asheville Jewish Film Festival announces the titles for its spring film series and Transplanting gets its UK debut.