Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler April 6-12: The Hardcore Demolition Midnight Boss of Gold

In Theaters. Despite the not insignificant tumble Batman v Superman took in its second week, the mainstream fare remains on the lackluster side this week with only two new titles in that column, neither of which are particularly high-end. On the other hand, the art side of things is looking pretty good with no less […]

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler March 16-22: The Divergent Creative Embrace of the Bronze Serpent from Heaven

In Theaters. This week we get one theoretically “big picture,” one specialty mainstream movie and three art titles, one of which seems to be already written off judging by its limited showtimes. However you look at it, that means five new movies hit town this week. Actually, the way last week shook out in terms […]

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler January 27-February 2: Finest Fifty Shades of Nominated Panda

In Theaters.  You know things are looking grim when the most promising mainstream release of the week is the third film in an animated series. OK, we do get the Oscar nominated short films, so that’s something, but we are clearly still in the winter of our discontent — again. Next week promises to be […]

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler February 10-16: How to Invade Zoolander Deadpool Next

In Theaters. This week’s Next Big Thing would seem to be wisecracking, R-rated superhero I freely admit to never having heard of prior to this movie. But there’s also the new Michael Moore documentary, a sequel I’m not sure anyone asked for, and something I’m pretty sure nobody asked for. While the Coen Brothers’ latest […]

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler January 13-19: Norm of Benghazi Ride Along — and Farewell to Major Tom

In Theaters.  And you thought last week was bad? At least last week you got the expansions of Carol and The Revenant. This week — No such luck. In fact, no luck at all. It is so exceedingly grim that…well, you’ve certainly noticed by now that the featured image is from a movie made 40 […]

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler December 30-January 5: This Is the Way the Year Ends

In Theaters.  So here we are celebrating the end of the year with exactly one new movie to choose from (not that there aren’t some pretty choice choices already out) — and because it’s from the Weinsteins, they’ve played around with when we’ll get it because…well, they’re the Weinsteins and they can. You may recall […]