Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler August 26-September 1: Best Diary of a Teenage Girl — and Some Other Stuff

In Theaters. If it wasn’t for a couple of art titles, I’d frankly suggest you skip the movies altogether this week. There’s only one full-blown mainstream title (which looks pretty chancey) and two not-quite-wide releases (both of which look worse than chancey). Well, let’s go among them anyway. It is increasingly apparent that August is […]

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler August 5-11: Fantastic Irrational Dark Sheep and the Flash

In Theaters. Here’s a strange week in that it looked more crowded and potentially troublesome than it was. That doesn’t change the fact that we have four mainstream titles (one of which is a Wednesday opening, and as usual I have no idea why) and two art ones pointing directly at us and that’s certainly […]