Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler November 26-December 2: The Theory of Horrible Penguins

In Theaters. One much-anticipated art title is pitted against two mainstream titles that may or may not be that anticipated in search of your Thanksgiving moviegoing dollars. I admit to still being a little mystified by the idea of spending your holidays at the movies. Oh, I understand it in broad strokes — it gives […]

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler October 29-November 4: Horns Saw Carrie Before Dear Nightcrawl­er

In Theaters. It’s Halloween week, and while the supposed big offering is last week’s dismal Ouija, there are still a couple of treats to be found among tricks — along with one dubious idea, two art/indie titles, and a pair of unknown mainstreamers.     Since it is a seasonal week, let’s look at the […]

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler October 22-28: St. Vincent Ouija Wick Pride

In Theaters. We get two mainstream titles of largely unknown quality this week and two art titles of known and pretty darn high quality — and of far broader appeal than last week’s lone (and already leaving) documentary. Before breaking out the crystal ball to look at the unseen mainstream offerings, let’s take some time […]

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler October 8-14: Kill Judge Alexander Dracula Happiness

In Theaters. Something tells me this week isn’t likely to be as strong in the mainstream department, but there’s a joker amidst those three that might surprise on starpower. (I seriously doubt there’ll be as pleasant a surprise as Gone Girl.) Maybe. The art side of the ledger is a harder call, but there are […]