Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler May 29-June 4: After Frances Ha You See Me (Updated)

A friend of mine who saw all three of last week’s releases (that’s one up on me) told me he’d convinced himself he didn’t see any new movies last week. His ability to block things from his mind is greater than mine. Plus, apart from this week’s art title, I see no great hope that this week is going to any better. However, that art film, Frances Ha, makes up for much.

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler May 22-28: Fast and Epic Hangover

You know it’s a pretty dire week when the thing I’m most looking forward to is Fast & Furious 6. (And you can imagine how much it pains me to type those words.) There’s not even a single new art title to brighten the weekend (no, last Friday’s ActionFest offering, Java Heat, going to a full run doesn’t count) — merely three mainstream movies I find it hard to get jazzed about. These are the conditions that prevail.

Cranky Hanke’s Screening Room: Late Night Musings on Critics and Review Aggregatio­n

Sitting here, staring at my computer screen while not really watching—off to the side— a movie even I don’t recognize on TCM, I find my mind wandering into the realm of considering the state of film criticism in our media-saturated world—and I’m not all that happy by what I see. But it’s less the criticism that bothers me than the way the moviegoing public seems to be taking it.

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler April 24-30: The Big Pain and Mud Company

It’s a two and two week again—two art titles vs. two mainstream titles—though you may notice that the distributors are doing their darndest to convince people that one of those art titles, Mud, has crossover potential. In fact, it probably does—depending on whether or not they over-saturate the market by putting it on too many screens. We shall see.

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler April 17-23: Like Ginger & Oblivion

The excitement of last week—the opening of Trance and Beyond the Pines—gives way to slighter art house pleasures this week, but pleasures all the same. There are two of those, but only one mainstream title—and no matter how it fares it absolutely has to be better than Scary Movie 5. An evening with a door-to-door God salesman or someone making an Amway pitch is better than Scary Movie 5.

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler April 3-9: West of Evil Dead Park

This week may be on the slack side — in fact, it is on the slack side — but it cannot possibly be as bad as last week. Last week’s three mainstream pictures marked a trilogy of tripe the likes of which I don’t need to see again any time soon (as in this century). I don’t even like thinking about last weekend, so let’s get on with this one.

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler March 27-April 2: Host Retaliatio­n Temptation on the Road

Last week offered a pretty wide mix of the good and the not so hot — with the actual balance being more of the former (in some cases pretty surprisingly). This week’s list of two mainstreamers, two art titles and one Tyler Perry picture may well be another matter — and the probability of nice surprises seems on the dubious side.

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler March 6-12: Chasing Dead Emperor Oz

Last week was pretty slack—at least as far as the box office was concerned (I’m of the opinion that Jack the Giant Slayer was a lot better than its reception would seem to indicate). This week is rather stronger looking—both in terms of box office and in general. We’ve got one highly-anticipated mainstream release and three art—or at least not quite mainstream titles.

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler February 27-March 5: Jack the Phantom Exorcism

It would take almost superhuman determination for this week’s crop of movies—four mainstream and one art title—to come anywhere near the toxic crumminess of last week’s dismal duo, and hopefully that determination doesn’t exist. However, it must be admitted that some of this stuff looks very sketchy. Very sketchy indeed.

Cranky Hanke’s Screening Room: The Oscars for better, for worse

So there we have it for another year — the Oscars. The question is if there’s anything new to be said about them, and while the answer is probably “not really,” some comment is called for about the curiously all-over-the-map nature of this year’s selections and the general weirdness and — let’s face it — galloping ennui of Oscar and this year’s program.

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler February 13-19: Valentine’­s Day at the Movies

It’s Valentine week, so, of course, the studios have found a way to make a buck out of the event. That’s no surprise—and neither is it a surprise that it’s being done in one of those ways that promises to make the week’s layout of movies confusing for all concerned, especially for me. There are five movies opening this week. Fine. Of course, three of them open on Valentine’s Day (Thursday). The other two open on Friday. It doesn’t help that the early information had one of those opening on Thursday, but proved to be wrong. Let’s see if we can straighten this out.

Cranky Hanke’s Screening Room: The Place to Kvetch about Oscar

OK, it’s Oscar season—you know, those awards that we all love to hate and call meaningless, but tend to mysteriously get worked about anyway. I have no idea why I care. I’ve sworn off them twice. I’ve called them embarassing on any number of occasions I’ve sworn at the TV profusely (and when I swear profusely even sailors turn beet red) and been tempted to hurl a brick at the screen (fortunately, I rarely have bricks at hand) more times than I care to think about. This year promises to be no different.

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler February 6-12: Oscar Quartet Side Effects Thief

This should have been an easy week. All there was to deal with was a simple two and two split — two mainstream titles and two art house ones. In some ways, it still is simple. The Weinsteins didn’t change their minds this week and the mainstream titles are going pretty much everywhere (with the usual exceptions in competing areas) — but there is some last minute confusion on the other art title.