From AVL Watchdog: Asheville Police calls: Roadmap for defunding?

Robert Thomas
Rob Thomas

By Sally Kestin and John Maines, AVL Watchdog

Of 911 calls and requests for assistance to the Asheville Police Department, less than 1% involve a violent crime, an AVL Watchdog analysis of police dispatch data shows.

Much of the time, police are summoned to routine calls such as traffic accidents, domestic disputes and loud parties or non-violent crimes like shoplifting, trespassing and prostitution, according to the analysis of more than two years of 911 calls.

“The reality of policing is that the majority of their time is spent on things totally unrelated to crime,’’ said Matthew Robinson, a professor of criminal justice at Appalachian State University in Boone. “We know that 75% to 80% of an officer’s time is spent providing social services and routine administrative tasks like filling out reports.”

The role of law enforcement and questions about whether some police functions are better delegated to trained, unarmed professionals is a debate taking place in cities across America. Activists are calling on elected officials to reduce the size and scope of police work to lessen officers’ encounters with the Black community that have historically led to racial profiling, disproportionately high arrest rates and excessive and deadly use of force.

[AVL Watchdog: Arrest data suggest discrimination against Black people]

A petition to defund the APD and redistribute money to the Black community had 15,480 signatures as of July 14. Black AVL Demands, which is described as an “intergenerational collective of Black leaders in Asheville,” lists as its primary demand a 50% cut in the police budget, with the money going toward such causes as Black business startups, eliminating racial opportunity gaps in city schools and funding an all-civilian police oversight committee.

AVL Watchdog asked all members of Asheville City Council about the demands, one of the most significant and potentially consequential decisions that has faced the city. Council members Keith Young and Sheneika Smith did not respond to email requests for comment.

Mayor Esther Manheimer referred to a Facebook post in which she said the city was delaying its budget approval to reconsider spending decisions and thanked everyone who was pushing “toward constructive reform.”

“Community engagement” meetings will be held through mid-September, the mayor wrote in an email. “I don’t expect the reimagining of traditional policing to be accomplished overnight, but I want to see significant movement in that direction.”

Council member Brian Haynes has publicly declared support for a 50% reduction in the police budget. “I continue to support this proposal,” he told AVL Watchdog.

Council member Vijay Kapoor said in an email that he favors “reducing the time our officers need to spend on nonessential activities and calls so that they can spend more time developing relationships through community policing. If we can do that with a significantly smaller budget, then I’m all in favor of it, but I doubt that’s going to be the case.”

Kapoor said he opposes “picking an arbitrary number such as 50%. The focus needs to be on prioritizing how we want our police officers to spend their time and then figure out what that will cost. This does not mean we do not address the very real and pernicious racial gaps we see across the city. We need to do both.”

Council member Julie Mayfield said a 50 percent cut “could be great as it would free up tremendous resources for other city investments.” But she said it would be “highly unlikely” by September and could take several years.

The city must first have alternatives “to deal with the cases that get peeled off and … programs in place to accept and use the funding,” Mayfield wrote in an email. “That is critical to have before we make big moves with big dollars. We have to be thoughtful about what gets shifted and why, as well as where it goes and who picks it up.”

Vice Mayor Gwen Wisler, the only Council member to agree to an interview, said she would consider ideas on shifting some police functions away from law enforcement.

“If people have other suggestions on how some of these things should be handled, I’m definitely open to that,” she said. “But I also don’t know that it would be very responsible of me to just willy-nilly say, ‘OK, we’re just going to cut the police budget in half,’ without a plan to actually respond to the needs of the community … and we don’t have that right now.”

The city has received more than 5,000 emails about cutting the police budget. One group adamantly opposed is the local police union.

Rondell Lance, president of the Asheville Fraternal Order of Police, said the effort is based on false claims by people who don’t understand what police do.

“They’re making up stories, making up statistics to get their message out, which is, ‘Police are evil. We know how to handle this better than the police.’ The criminals are sitting back laughing, ‘Yeah, defund the police,’ ” he said. “They’re playing a big scam on the public, and the City Council is just eating it up.”

Other cities act

Some cities are already reacting to the calls for change. In Minneapolis, where the videotaped murder of Black civilian George Floyd by white officers set off worldwide protests and a rethinking of policing in America, the City Council has voted to dismantle the police department and create a new model for public safety through a year-long engagement with “every willing community member.”

Elected leaders in big cities have agreed to large cuts in the police budgets — $150 million in Los Angeles, about 8% of the budget, and $1 billion, or 17%, in New York City. San Francisco’s mayor announced a plan to shift nonviolent calls to social workers, homeless outreach specialists and other trained professionals. And the Seattle City Council appears to have the votes to cut its police budget in half.

In Asheville, the city spends $30 million a year on the police department — one out of every five dollars in the general fund.

The City Council has generously funded the department, voting to expand its budget by 47% in the past 10 years. The population increased by about 11% in that time.

Police budgets “grow every single year,’’ said Angaza Laughinghouse, field manager with the ACLU of North Carolina.

“Every time you challenge them about how huge their budgets are … they say, ‘Who is going to keep you safe? What’s going to happen when somebody breaks into your house and there’s a robbery or rape?’” he said. “But then when you look at their numbers like you guys have just done, most of the time the police are responding to calls that aren’t related to violent crimes.”

Traffic, alarms most common calls

AVL Watchdog analyzed APD dispatch data that include calls initiated by officers and 911 calls from January 2018 through March 3, 2020. Police spokesperson Christina Hallingse said the data are not a reflection of how officers spend their time since some calls, such as a traffic stop, may take one officer 15 minutes, while a serious crime could require multiple officers and take hours. And, she said, sometimes the nature of a call changes, such as a domestic disturbance becoming an assault.

The APD provided a slightly larger number of violent crimes than was reflected in the dispatch data, 1,203 versus 808, but the total still represents less than one-half of 1% of the calls.

The 911 data provide a look at officers’ interactions with the public. Among the most common calls, according to the analysis:

  • 23% were traffic-related, with the majority being traffic stops and accidents. Also included were assisting motorists, improper parking, abandoned and towed vehicles, debris and blocked roadways and directing traffic.
  • 16% were alarms or checking on a business, residence or person. Of the alarms, 98% were false or canceled, and 77% of the requests to check on a person or place were canceled, unfounded or involved a person or address that could not be located.
  • 8% of the calls involved a suspicious person or vehicle, which is defined as someone behaving or driving unusually or a vehicle in an unusual area, and “there is a reasonable impression that a criminal offense has been or is about to occur.” Of those, 16% resulted in an arrest or citation, while 63% were unfounded, canceled or involved a person or vehicle that could not be found.
  • 7% were classified as “crime prevention,” which is defined as an officer-initiated call that involves ways to reduce crime, such as community engagement and “directed patrols in high-crime areas.” Less than 2% resulted in an arrest or citation.
  • 5% were reports of a “civil disturbance,” which can be people arguing, behaving erratically or refusing to leave a business. Of those, 6% resulted in an arrest or citation and 66% were canceled, unfounded, resolved or “unable to locate.” (Hallingse said that on calls coded as civil disturbance, crime prevention and suspicious vehicle or person, officers are encouraged to mediate or solve the problem “without enforcement action, unless absolutely necessary.”)
  • 5% were reports of thefts, including shoplifting. Of those, 7% ended in an arrest or citation and 67% with a “report made.”
  • 4% involved animals and wildlife, including animal cruelty, dog barking and bites and injured or sick animals.
  • 3% involved calls driven by poverty, mental health and addiction, such as panhandling, homeless camps, drug overdoses, attempted suicides and intoxication.
  • 2% were calls about loud noises, music or yelling.

AVL Watchdog sent the analysis to all City Council members for comment. Mayfield wrote in an email, “This is good information. … It could provide a good roadmap for pulling some response duties away from the police and putting them in other departments.”

She said having social workers or counselors deal with homelessness and addiction “makes sense,” and civilians could potentially deal with vehicle accidents, but that would require a change in North Carolina law. “Perhaps something to seek to change at the state level,” she said.

The other Council members did not respond to the analysis, except for Wisler, the vice mayor.

“I don’t see 50% of the effort that the police are doing to be nonessential,” she said. “I’m not sure I see a ton of things that other people can do, but maybe.”

She noted state law requires traffic citations and accidents be handled by law enforcement officers. Other tasks like directing traffic could possibly be done by civilians, as could calls about mental health, addiction and the homeless. “But it’s not a ton of calls,” she said. “You’re not getting to 50% by any stretch.”

She said that even though many alarm calls turn out to be false, it’s unknown whether a burglary is occurring until an officer arrives on scene. Wisler said she rode with police a couple of weeks ago.

“There was one mother and daughter who had barricaded themselves into a bedroom because they heard noises in the house,” she said. “They had Airbnb guests in the house and then forgot about them or maybe someone else in the family had let them in. … It was completely a false alarm, but they were clearly very afraid.

“I don’t know if civilians should go and respond to that, or do we just tell them, ‘Sorry?’ ”

Rethinking role of officers

Robert Thomas, community liaison of Asheville’s Racial Justice Coalition, said many of the nonviolent calls could be handled by social workers, health care workers or other civilians.

“Drug addictions and mental health issues should not be handled by the police,” he said. “Loud noises, panhandling, suspicious persons, crime prevention … it is those things that need to be reviewed and moved accordingly.”

He said when an officer initiates a suspicious person call, “a lot of the time, that’s how Black people get killed by the police.”

And the dispatch calls are only one place to look for opportunities to scale back police involvement, Thomas said. Officers are not continuously on call.

“This data doesn’t show the injustices of over-policing marginalized communities,” Thomas said. “A lot of the officers spend a lot of hours in marginalized areas where a lot of unnecessary incidents occur because you’ve got officers sitting around so even if a minor crime or a minor infraction happens, they will be involved and sometimes they turn out a lot worse than the initial crime.”

Lance of the police union said that when arrests escalate, “it’s not because of officers.”

When “an officer tells you, ‘You’re under arrest, put your hands behind your back and go.’ There’s no issue,” he said. “The last thing an officer wants to do is fight, get hurt or get somebody hurt because there’s so much paperwork on that, so much scrutiny.”

And he said all arrests are reviewed not just by supervisors but the district attorney and judges.

Officers are already trained in dealing with homelessness and mental illness and have been working with social workers for years. Simply turning those calls over to social workers is oversimplified, he said.

“These aren’t just people walking up, ‘Hey I got a drug problem, what can I do?’ They’re already screaming and hollering,” he said. “A social worker could handle a heroin addict breaking the windows out of a house? They can handle it a lot better than police? Well, have at it. We’ll go to McDonald’s and get us a shake. It’s just ridiculous.”

Lance said cutting the police force would hurt poor and marginalized communities the most by providing less protection from drug dealers and violent crime. But activists say police would be freer to focus on more serious crimes, and the reinvestment in the Black community would in time lower crime rates.

Thomas is part of a group of Black activists and residents who are meeting and studying the police budget for possible cuts, not all of them involving a reduction in the police force. “You don’t need further militarization, further weaponry, things of that nature,” Thomas said.

The city is also doing an analysis, Wisler said, “of time spent on these various activities to show the public this is how we spend our time and then get input as to what services they do not want the police to handle.” The City Council will be holding meetings over the next two months.

Before the protests and demands by Black activists, City Manager Debra Campbell proposed a budget that called for a slight increase of 1% for the Police Department. Campbell did not respond to a request for comment on how much she will recommend for the police now.

Police Chief David Zack, who started in February, had proposed a 3-month reform plan that included focusing less on minor crimes, abolishing a drug suppression unit and installing a homeless outreach team.

Thomas called the homeless team an example of over-policing. He said he passed by a group of 10 to 15 officers frisking a Black homeless man near downtown earlier this year and stopped. The man was trespassing on church property.

“You could tell he’s got mental issues; He’s talking to himself,” Thomas said. “They got him jacked up against the wall.”

Thomas said he offered to give the man a ride to get him off the property. One officer responded, “Do you have a problem?” Thomas said. “I’m like, ‘Yeah, I do because there are like 15 of y’all and one of him, and all y’all are white. I don’t trust you.”

One officer said they would first have to write the man a citation to appear in court because they found a marijuana pipe on him, a misdemeanor that could stay on his record and cost him fines.

“The whole time I was there, [the guy] was nice, saying, ‘Yes sir,’ ” Thomas said. “Is this necessary?”

Budget cut won’t increase crime, criminologist says

Activists say the time has long passed for more promises of reform.

“What I want to do is create new structures and a new system,” Thomas said. “Trying to build on a house with a foundation that’s already so much destroyed, the house needs to come down.”

Laughinghouse of the ACLU said police officers tell him they’re not racist, that they’re “one of the good guys.”

“But if it was just a few of these guys doing these things, targeting Black folks, you would see masses of good cops coming up to stop them,” he said. “You have cops that say, ‘We just need to have community conversations. We’ll be more transparent so you guys can see what we’re doing.’”

But some policing already is transparent, he said, and discrimination still happens.

North Carolina has mandated collection of traffic stop data for 20 years, but Black motorists continue to be stopped at disproportionate rates. Asheville has had the highest rate of African-American drivers searched of the 12 largest cities in the state for the past three years straight.

“We’re at a point with cops, if you can’t do your job without being racist, you shouldn’t be in charge,” Laughinghouse said. “You need to be reallocated to people who can do that job without a badge, without a monopoly on violence.”

Kenneth Mentor, a professor of sociology and criminology at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, wrote his dissertation 20 years ago on the defunding of the Legal Services Corp., a legal aid nonprofit created by Congress. The response in the communities he studied was to turn the work over to other agencies.

“Social work agencies took over much of the non-lawyering workload, and were probably better at it, allowing LSC-funded agencies to focus on actual law work,” he said.

Similar “defunding” has occurred with other social institutions while criminal justice has grown, he said. The country has moved away from helping those in need to criminalizing their behavior with expanded police forces and more prisons.

“The criminal justice system filled a void after mental hospitals were closed,” Mentor said. “Funding for the criminal justice system increased to pay for school resource officers as budgets for school counselors were cut.”

It’s time, he said, to start reversing those trends.

“While problems addressed by various social service agencies aren’t going away, we have tended to rely on policing and corrections rather than potentially more effective solutions, in part because the justice system always has the money,” Mentor said. “Move the money and we will find other solutions, each of which has the potential to be more effective.”

Robinson, the Appalachian State professor, agreed. “I think it’s a pretty fair conclusion to suggest that police budgets could be cut by some portion that would not lead to any increase in crime.”

And that, he said, would reduce unnecessary and inappropriate encounters with people of color.

“Logically, the less officers on the street, then the less interactions they’re going to have with civilians,” Robinson said. “You would expect there to be less problems, less excessive use of force, less racial profiling with a smaller police department.”

AVL Watchdog is a nonprofit news team producing stories that matter to Asheville and Buncombe County. Sally Kestin, an investigative reporter, and John Maines, a data journalist, won the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service for their investigation of off-duty police speeding in Florida. Contact us at


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15 thoughts on “From AVL Watchdog: Asheville Police calls: Roadmap for defunding?

  1. C-Law

    Nice reporting from AVL Watchdog.

    Could we also look into applying the law enforcement defund and reallocation idea to education as well?

    Public education has hugely failed poor black and white children for at least the two generations, perpetuating inter generational poverty and social dysfunction. A seemingly never ending achievement gap that has got to be solved.

    Let’s defund and/or radically scale back education budgets, and return the money to parents and tax payers to be reallocated in ways that will be more successful at closing the achievement gap and actually benefit local children and families.

    • luther blissett

      I’m not going to spend much time on an off-topic diversion, except to say that the two biggest problems in US K-12 education are the tie to local property tax revenue and a multi-decade series of budgetary carve-outs and subsidies that appease parents who don’t want their little darlings to go to That School, as opposed to making That School better. (This applies no less to many white liberal parents.) Talking about returning money to “parents and tax payers” papers over what has already happened with charters and vouchers: comfortably middle-class parents with time and social influence dictate the distribution of resources, because middle-class parents tend to think the school system should be revolve around little Johnny or Jenny’s personal needs.

      But that’s a cue to go back on-topic: that 8% of calls for “suspicious person or vehicle”? We know what that means a lot of times. (I wish we had that data broken down by neighborhood.) And the other data points to a broader tendency to call in the police like they’re calling the manager.

      Policing is a function determined by what members of the public think requires police intervention and what the police think is worthy of an intervention. If you don’t call the cops when your old hippie neighbors are smoking weed on their porch but you do call the cops on a dude parked up the street in a battered old Corolla, you’re making a judgment call on what needs to be policed. If the cops show up, they’re making their own judgment call. Put all those decisions together and see what it tells you.

  2. G Man

    I’m confused. It seems like the mantra here is to take the money away from the LEOs and “redirect” it to specific communities. So, the story seems to explain what needs to be defunded but it doesn’t seem very clear on what exactly is being funded in it’s place.

    I’ve always had the impression that social workers are terribly overworked, underpaid, and underappreciated. So how is it that we will just send a bunch of Police officers packing and turn this huge load of tasks over to the already overworked social workers? What will the social workers do when something that started as a “non-violent call” turns sour? Are they or will they be trained to deal with those situations? Will they be required to carry personal liability insurance? Will the social workers be wearing body cameras?

    Who is going to do all of those “non-essential” reports? Will the reports be written by someone who wasn’t involved in the incident? Will the reports just not be done at the expense of accountability? I would assume that officers write reports and fill out paperwork during “downtime” as in sitting at a desk. I am having trouble understanding the correlation between an “armed officer” sitting at a desk doing paperwork and “systemic racial violence”. If you think these guys are so bad, wouldn’t they be less likely to engage in violence while they’re sitting at their desk as opposed to out on the streets?

    How exactly do “civilians deal with traffic matters”? Does this mean I can start pulling over the idiots I see on the road who have no clue how to drive and put everyone else around them in danger and give them citations? I actually might be all for that!

    What would happen to “less serious crimes”? It seems like the implication is that anything other than rape or murder is not worth involving police in. Does anyone remember that one of the main reasons we have laws and penalties (and enforce them) is to provide a deterrent to committing crimes to begin with. If you stop enforcing, or give an easy out to criminals, then there is no deterrent for other potential criminals.

    I’m also curious to know who determines what are “disproportional rates”. Does this mean that if X% of society is white and X% of society is black then those exact percentages should hold true for every situation you can imagine. Are those proportions true in the NFL, the NBA, the NHL, city council, county commissioners, state legislature, reading level of students, math scores, the US Army, etc. etc.. Of course they are not, some are disproportionately white and some are disproportionately black. It doesn’t necessarily mean that racism is involved. The way to “fight racism” is not to introduce racial quotas into every aspect of life. That is exactly the opposite of what should be done.

    I do not doubt for a minute that racism exists. I do not believe in the term “reverse-racism” because there is no such thing. Racism is the act of making decisions and judgments based entirely on a person’s race. It happens every day, against blacks AND whites. When I hear a black man telling a story of this “ritual” of explaining to their kids that they will be treated wrongly because they are black, it just makes me cringe. For one, it completely sets the child up for failure and gives him/her the excuse of race. Also, it entrenches the idea that all white people are racists. That is probably the most ironic phrase ever uttered. Indoctrination has become a very big issue in our society. It’s really sad that the same tactics haven’t been used for the last 30 years to imprint GOOD TRAITS into our youth.

  3. luther blissett

    Really good work by AVL Watchdog here. Thank you.

    A good cross-reference would be the amount of time spent on different aspects of police training, and how that correlates to calls. Of course, training has to encompass all situations and potential escalations, but nationwide statistics tend to suggest that police academies and departmental training focus heavily on weapons and command training, with limited and cursory attention to things like de-escalation.

    A lot of “thin blue line” rhetoric hinges on the idea that police officers do a uniquely risky [non-military] job and may not come home from a day’s work. That’s not really true, but if you spend more time on your control/command skills than talking to people in the community about their ongoing concerns, you’re going to approach situations in terms of command and control. Forgive the analogy, but the difference between police dogs and seeing-eye dogs is in how they’re trained.

    G Man: you should talk to some frontline social workers about the amount of training they’ve received. But yes, they should be paid more.

    • G Man

      Well, I don’t claim to have knowledge I don’t have. If the social workers are indeed trained (and equipped) for those worst case scenarios then I suppose that answers one of my many questions.

      So, I suppose the financial advantage of shifting “those calls” to social workers rather than LEOs is that social workers are cheaper? If that is not the case, then how does this free up money to be “redirected to the community”? I’m also still curious about how this plays out as a procedural change. According to the article, we are discussing 911 call logs. If someone calls 911, that implies to me that there is something going on other than someone in need of therapy. Granted, I know we can’t possibly educate the public on when it is appropriate to call DSS rather than 911, but I presume that the 911 call center is staffed with folks who are trained to assess the situation at the other end of the call and dispatch the proper help. Surely they don’t send police out to battle a structure fire or fire fighters out to a bank robbery so why shouldn’t I assume that the dispatcher is incapable of determining when a social worker might be appropriate? Why might it not be appropriate to send a police officer AND a social worker?

      • luther blissett

        “If someone calls 911, that implies to me that there is something going on other than someone in need of therapy. ”

        Some people call 911 when they lose their keys.

        But I get your point. First off, frontline mental health professionals aren’t doing sit-down therapy or family support. They’re trained to deal with hard crises. They’re extricating abused partners and children from homes, or dealing with people who are a danger to themselves or others. Joint response teams are great, and a few cities have moved or are moving to hire LCSWs or other mental health professionals to operate within or liaise closely with police departments.

        This is more of an aside, but the prevalence of firearms in the US means that most cops are essentially trained as firearms specialists — some of them better than others — to the exclusion of other aspects of policing. Other countries don’t do this. But at the same time we shouldn’t expect regular beat cops to be specialists in everything.

        Another way to think about it: when someone calls the cops, do they want a situation resolved through respect for authority, or do they want someone to face the state’s monopoly on violence? The Central Park birdwatching incident showed the power of making that call. The people who called the cops on Tamir Rice and John Crawford knew what was likely to happen.

        • G Man

          I am by no means trying to downplay the role of social workers. I think where I’m getting hung up is with the idea that whether you send a cop or a social worker, the number of calls are the same, the number of situations are the same, and the financial cost will be roughly the same based on a little poking around I did yesterday regarding the average salaries of LEOs and social workers. This leaves me wondering where the “extra money” comes from for these “new investments”. It just looks like shifting budgets from one place to another.

  4. bsummers

    “The last thing an officer wants to do is fight, get hurt or get somebody hurt because there’s so much paperwork on that, so much scrutiny.”

    What’s missing from that statement from the head of the police union? Concern for actual consequences for hurting or killing someone for unjust cause. Yeah, there’s paperwork. “Oh my god, the paperwork if you make me kill you!!” It sounds like a joke from a bad cop drama.

    But it reveals the sad truth. In a time where some police act with impunity (George Floyd flat-out murdered in front of multiple witnesses and cameras) we have to seriously stop business-as-usual. Maybe it’s time for the FoP to stop excusing bad cops and trying to protect your budgets. Listen to the people who are proposing real ideas to stop the downward spiral.

    • Reality Check

      Well then, I’ll install my comment here rather than independently at the top. You, as well as the authors, are perpetuating a FALSEHOOD that the media pumped into your noggin and you bought it hook-line-and-sinker. Simply because you WANTED to because it fits your programmed narrative…your strident dogma.

      The coroners report DID NOT declare his death as homicide. In fact, Floyd had FOUR illegal drugs in him and was already struggling when the police arrived. He had heavy doses of two types of FENTANYL in him plus two other drugs. He was in bad shape.

      Further, self-declared Antifa member, Minnesota AG, Keith Ellison, doesn’t want the public to know that the method used to restrain a non-compliant Floyd is one that has been TAUGHT to many police departments and has been used routinely in various states.

      We have something in this country called: DUE PROCESS. Innocent until proven guilty. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. Let the legal process do it’s job and get to the bottom of the facts. That’s what rational adults in America do.

      The article above is worth little. As soon as the authors promoted their unsubstantiated murder claim, they lost all credibility.

  5. Mike R.

    Many people can think of a hundred reasons why they don’t think police are necessary, all the way up and until the time they really need them.

    • luther blissett

      Not sure if that’s the zinger you might have wanted it to be. Go back to the data in the piece, which doesn’t cover more routine police work, but does record explicit public requests for police intervention. Then look at Rondell Lance beating up straw men.

      Policing in the US is a much blunter instrument than in most other developed nations because it is configured around “when you really need them” situations, and probably also reflects public reluctance to intervene or resolve disputes without police assistance because so many people own guns.

  6. petinsurancebuddy

    ** Given that a vast majority of police calls involve non-violent incidents, should we reconsider the role of police in handling these routine situations? Could specialized teams or other city services better address these issues, freeing up police resources for more serious crimes? What potential benefits and drawbacks could this shift bring to the community and the police department?

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