Letter: Goldstein has expertise and civic leadership experience

Graphic by Lori Deaton

I am supporting Jeremy Goldstein for Asheville City Council. Jeremy is a commercial real estate broker at G/M Property Group, a company that he founded with his business partner in 2001. Jeremy is smart, practical and solution-oriented. He’s likable, he listens, and he respects all points of view. He is widely respected for his knowledge, his ethics, his tough negotiation skills and his ability to forge common ground among competing interests.

Jeremy and his wife, Heather, are also deeply invested in our community. Over the past 19 years, Jeremy has served on the boards of the Irene Wortham Center and the Asheville Parks and Greenways Foundation, volunteered for Junior Achievement of WNC and coached ABYSA soccer. Heather is a local attorney and former director of the Asheville Jewish Community Center who has volunteered for the Center for Diversity Education, the Safe Schools for All anti-bullying initiative, Pisgah Legal Services and numerous other nonprofits. Their four children attend Asheville City Schools.

Jeremy’s civic leadership experience is unmatched among the candidates this year. He has served for six years on the Planning and Zoning Commission, including four as chairman, and earned the unanimous endorsement of his fellow commissioners. He has a deep understanding of our land-use laws and plans, and understands how City Council can use its zoning power to preserve and protect the quality of life we enjoy in Asheville while accommodating our current growth. No other candidate combines Jeremy’s expertise in land use and urban planning; his experience in starting and growing a small business in Asheville; and his civic leadership experience.

As Asheville confronts the challenges of rapid growth, there is no better candidate equipped to assist City Council at this time. We need to add Jeremy’s voice to our City Council at this important time for Asheville.

— Len Levi


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7 thoughts on “Letter: Goldstein has expertise and civic leadership experience

    • bsummers

      I like that he thinks that the Tourism Development Authority shouldn’t have to divert any of the public tax dollars they control to offset the impact of the tourists they draw to town. Local taxpayers should have to pay more to clean up after tourists, repair the roads that are impacted by tourists, hire more police to protect the tourists, etc. – not the tourists themselves. And certainly not the people who profit most directly from the tourists, the hotel industry. The tax money that is squeezed out of tourists must only go towards attracting more tourists!! That’s only common sense, right? Local property owners can always pay higher taxes to clean up after the people who visit here!

      I also like the way his campaign logo looks just like another new hotel going up downtown. Hey, honesty in advertising, right?

      • Lulz

        LOL complains about those within big government, is surprised at where the money ends up. And of course expects more money from taxes to pay for it. Wanda Green just banked 500K in her last year. And your friends didn’t question it at all. Just the same old pass tax raises and vilify those who oppose it. We don’t need “socialist” monikers nor progressive values. All we need is to see how misspent the money is and to CUT taxes. It’s a crying shame that it took a fed investigation for the rats to acknowledge that there’s some problems in the local machine. Unfortunately there’s a lot more than needs to be brought up. Newman is the definition of corruption. Whereas you at least know where Goldstein is coming from, at least he didn’t make his money WHILE in office. Keep ignoring that until the feds put a few more in handcuffs. And then act surprised. But don’t for one second believe people such as you aren’t responsible.

        • bsummers

          But don’t for one second believe people such as you aren’t responsible.

          As I believe you know, I haven’t voted in Asheville City Council elections for over a decade. Oh, I get it – it’s my ‘ilk’.

    • bsummers

      Oh, and don’t forget what else Council needs, Jake – a hotel owner. “Practical” Pratik Bhakta also thinks the TDA (hotel owners) shouldn’t have to help the City taxpayers cover the impact of the tourists that come to stay at their hotels. And it’s not even their money – the money the TDA has to distribute is public tax revenue, collected by the State for their use. Best that every dime go towards attracting more and more and more tourists – but not help pay for the impact on the City budget. That’s the thinking we need on Council!

      Oh, and I also really like how Jeremy Goldstein’s campaign ads have him wearing a cowboy hat. What’s up with that? Oh never mind…

  1. 4thepeople

    Don’t be fooled by this letter. Jeremy has raised the most money by any city council candidate EVER. Almost all of his money comes from big developers and hoteliers. If you want to hand the keys of the city to people of his ilk, then Jeremy is your man. But he won’t be getting my vote!! If you want to vote in candidates to council that are for the people of Asheville, vote for Cecil Bothwell, Rich Lee and Vijay Kapoor.

  2. John Penley

    So far I have not seen any candidate specifically mention that they will do something to honor the City’s pledge to end Veteran’s Homelessness. How about doing it ?

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