Letter: Kudos for keep-your-pet-at-home policy

Graphic by Lori Deaton

Thank you, Ingles for enforcing the law … in support of the keep-my-pet-at-home majority [see “Lap It Up, Asheville: Canines May Be Losing Ground in Dog City,” Jan. 3, Xpress].

Why do some of us have the audacity to object to Fido in the cart or loose in the store? Or leashed in the aisles? I dunno, maybe it’s the barking and yapping, or the peeing, or the pooping, or the farting, or the shedding, or the unwanted sniffing, or the floor-level obstacles or the “service dog” con. Could be a lot of things.

True: Most dogs seem fairly well-behaved now, but if the trend continues, then where is this “lifestyle choice” headed? How about three dogs and two cats in every aisle? Maybe aggressive pit bulls or pet goats? Pet poultry, anyone (“clean-up in aisle nine!”)?

If a shopper cannot part with the pet for an hour, then maybe a trip to the shrink should be the priority instead of groceries. How does the saying go — if you are lonely in Asheville, get a person!

— Bob Browne


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9 thoughts on “Letter: Kudos for keep-your-pet-at-home policy

  1. Tourist

    There’s a lot of truth to that argument. It would be more clear where/when pets are aloud if stores etc would update their policies and then actually enforce them. Some store websites say one thing, while the in-store-manager says another. Clarity, or the lack thereof, is a big issue.

  2. KaD

    “Most dogs are pretty well behaved now”-what planet do YOU live on? I’ve had many a bad experience with dogs, some trying to kill me for passing their owner on the sidewalk or just walking by their house. Most people are TERRIBLE judges of how their dog will act around other people and pets, which may very well NOT be how it acts around its owner and familiar pets. These people endanger their own dogs by dragging them everywhere. Could die in a hot car, be shot after jumping out, poisoned while tied outside a store or attacked by another dog. For your dogs safety, leave it at home.

  3. jason

    Dogs have ruined Bent Creek and Pisgah. I’m grateful tickets are finally being issued at Bent Creek.

    • Robert

      I hear ya!

      Also, a shout-out to the dog owner that let their dog take a whiz on my car tire at the Ledford Branch parking area Thursday afternoon. Thanks.

  4. Big Al

    Service animals for the disabled is a real thing, but most of the animals I am seeing in businesses these days are NOT true service animals, they are pets dressed up in official-looking vests by owners who are taking advantage of complex regulations that many business owners are just now learning how to enforce. It is often a form of challenging the system for no better reason than to feel more powerful, and that is a form of abuse by people who claim to love their pets. I hope more businesses will learn how to legally identify true ADA-approved service animals and send the rest of these posers packing.

  5. Bright

    Great letter! Pets and kids…I have both, but don’t expect others to contend with them. Kids running around in the grocery store with no parents around except to take them home, makes me think I’m at a MacDonalds play yard. Dogs are great but give the rest of us a break…or else we’ll bring in our pet mice!

  6. Bright

    Great letter! Pets and kids…I have both, but don’t expect others to contend with them. Kids running around in the grocery store with no parents around except to take them home, makes me think I’m at a MacDonalds play yard. Dogs are great but give the rest of us a break…or else we’ll bring in our pet skunks!

  7. clayton moore

    Tired of pets running rampant in the grocery store?
    Buy a DAZZER…ultrasonic sound drives them beserk and the owners will not know what is up if you zapem from your pocketed DAZZER.

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