Letter: LGBTQ coalition promotes legislative mischief

Graphic by Lori Deaton

Asheville’s LGBTQ lobby recently doubled down on their bullying practices with a press conference held in a confused epicenter of activism — the First Congregational United Church of Christ [see avl.mx/5we]. Their mission: to sell the uninformed a lemon basket of legislative mischief. Mind if I suggest this special interest group’s reputation is wrapped in a rainbow — not reality?

One agenda is elimination of what they like to call conversion therapy. Their claim: It’s not possible to convert a person from their true sexual leanings and that great harm is done to great numbers of people caught up in this ill-conceived scam. They’re half-right.

Psychologists are not infrequently faced with gender confusion issues. Our job is to help the thus afflicted sort through their inner entanglements — not outcome advocacy. In fact, bar one particularly vocal group, I don’t personally know anyone who practices conversion therapy. The exception: Asheville’s LGBTQ activists.

How so? Well, who else do you know working so hard to convert women into men and men into women? Who else is trying to convert ladies’ restrooms into a full-access resource for those with a penis? Who else do you know is validating the practice of converting children into gender fluidity during their supervulnerable formative years?

The original LGBTQ movement had a rightful mission of challenging the bias and abuse faced by those not fitting into nature’s clear preference for two genders. Somewhere along the line, they evolved into an angry advocacy movement determined to recruit acolytes and market a false narrative. The deception: that the LGBTQ community is far bigger than it really is and that hate guides anyone who dares question their compass.

Christians — at least those who ground their faith in the Bible — are subject to strenuous antagonism and misinformation coming out of the LGBTQ propaganda machine. Dissenting with how some choose to behave is not hate — it’s simply disagreement. And though the Bible offers a very clear challenge on same-sex behavior pretty much in line with nature’s message, our sourcebook permits neither hate, judgment nor condemnation by people of faith.

Authentic culturists understand that real social advancement comes out of truth, education and open debate. Thanks to the hate and smoke coming out of the LGBTQ coalition, we haven’t had anything approaching honest discussion on this issue in decades. Don’t believe it? Try setting up a structured debate where both angles of view are in the house. Sorry UNC Asheville, the usual fake debate where four left-leaners sit at a table and echo hollow comfort rhetoric doesn’t count.

What we are left with is an unchallenged predatory propaganda machine brandishing rainbow camouflage and victim pretense. For those who more genuinely care about this issue, may one offer a few reliable truisms? It is simply not possible to get to good places through bad means, truly loving agendas are never framed with anger and malice, and you can’t protect the vulnerable with a bodyguard of lies.

— Carl Mumpower


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20 thoughts on “Letter: LGBTQ coalition promotes legislative mischief

  1. Godslayer

    Don’t you have an editor who screens out letters from avowed fascists?

      • Lou

        “roflmao! no and none for silly snowflakes either!”….ah, yes. The typical Trump supporter’s call to arms. Get some original material, won’t you?

    • AK

      Seriously, g-slayer, first look up fascist! Fascist CENSORED free speech, something you are inclined to participate in because you dislike truth and something that doesn’t follow your narrative. In addition, Carl is spot on calling out people just like you who obviously can NOT debate with truth and facts. Most wild leaning liberal lunatics fit a complete description of fascist! I pray you become actually educated on the history (true) history of our country and the constitution that obviously you were not taught by your indoctrinating eduactors.

  2. Lou

    “Mind if I suggest this special interest group’s reputation is wrapped in a rainbow — not reality?” Funny, one could say the same about religion.
    Carl must be losing clients, otherwise how could he find nearly enough time to spout such long-winded, hateful, bigoted posts? Consulting his thesaurus for so many hundred dollar words must be exhausting and time consuming .
    Mountain X, is he related to someone on your staff or something? Why on earth does someone so hateful and discriminatory get such a regular platform?

  3. luther blissett

    The APA Ethics Code states:

    “Because psychologists’ scientific and professional judgments and actions may affect the lives of others, they are alert to and guard against personal, financial, social, organizational, or political factors that might lead to misuse of their influence. ”

    “Psychologists are aware of and respect cultural, individual, and role differences, including those based on age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, and socioeconomic status, and consider these factors when working with members of such groups.”

    The NC Psychology Board can be contacted at 895 State Farm Road, Suite 101, Boone, NC

    • Lou

      Misuse of his influence…yah think?
      Carl is a fine figurehead for every white, wealthy, conservative, misogynistic, racist, xenophobic male in this increasingly morally bankrupt country. Yet he is a regular writer here and frequently mentions what he does for a living.
      I feel another nice, long letter to the APA coming on….

  4. Mark W

    How do you “debate” someone’s identity? Usually, such engagements involve the exchange of conflicting evidence and a weighing of relative merits. What contrary evidence could be raised to the claim that a member of the trans community feels uncomfortable and fears violence in restrooms assigned by their genitals? How does one argue the proposition”I believe I am a woman?”

    There are some propositions you offer which could be argued, such that nature has a moral message or that we should listen to it. Let’s not forget our Tennyson: nature is red in tooth and claw. Nature gives us wasps that paralyze hosts, leaving them alive to be eaten from the inside out by the wasp’s hatching eggs. Nature gives us children born with organs on the outside of their bodies, who experience nothing but suffering in their brief moments on Earth.

    Likewise, there’s no evidence that anyone should accept scripture as moral guidance (holding aside the incredibly circular position that we should do so because scripture says so). I think presumption should lie with the individual right to self-identity in the same way it lies with other individual rights. If one must show cause to compel someone to change their name, I don’t know why that same protection would not extend to gender or orientation. So, the burden of proof is on opponents of trans and LGBT rights to demonstrate harm.

    In point of fact, it’s often self-proclaimed Christians who do the most argument in bad faith. If there is no evidence which can overrule cherry picked scripture, why bother engaging at all? Don’t you have blended fabrics to destroy or slaves to beat or rape victims to compel to marry their assailants?, How about money-changers to drive out with a bullwhip? Why start with queer folk, other than that they lack social power to resist? In the absence of another reason for prioritization, what you have is bullying coupled with a smug, imagined sense of moral superiority.

    I have yet to encounter a trans person who demands I change my gender identity. I’ve met many people who insist trans people change theirs. I’ve also met many people who demand I change my religious identity. I find the Venn diagram of the last two groups to be a circle.

    If debate is really your goal, you need to bring 2 things that are sorely lacking in your above post: evidence of the harm you claim, and honest risk that you will accept evidence which contradicts your deeply held beliefs. Until you are willing to offer these things, what you have is hatred and bigotry, not an argument.

    • Mark W

      Would love to know how disagreeing with you and asking you to provide evidence for your claims constitutes a refusal to engage in honest debate.

    • Jason Williams

      So is everyone with opinions that contradict yours, misinformed?
      Personally, I, a cisgender male, have never felt any animosity from the LGBTQ community. I mostly find the community very open and accepting of all types. I don’t believe the LGBTQ community is working on changing people’s sexual identity, but rather making them feel they are visible and accepted in society despite their gender non-conforming choices. Additionally I feel that any animosity directed towards people of faith, is focused on the people who use their religious views to demean, insult, threaten, intimidate, or vilify those who do not conform to their arbitrary moral guidelines. If you feel you are the subject of their hatred because of your disagreements, maybe instead of laying it exclusively at the feet of the LGBTQ community, you should look within to see what is driving your own prejudices and insecurities.

      Also the wink emoji is this way – ;)

    • Sam

      Why are you ignoring Mark W’s questions and honest effort to engage you in conversation? Oh right, because you don’t care. You just enjoy using the mountainx as your personal hate platform and for whatever reason, they give you this platform. SHAME SHAME SHAME.

  5. NFB

    Yawn. MX could have saved paper, ink, and bandwidth by just running the short version of this letter: “gay people are icky.”

    • NFB

      The right’s obsession with gay people is one of the more bizarre aspects of US politics over the past 30-40 years.

    • Lou

      Okay, that’s brilliant, thank you.
      Honestly, once you read the first couple of sentences of ANYTHING the guy writes, you might as well move on…it’s all the same worn out rhetoric, sounding like the last desperate death rattles of the great white hope. YAWN.

      • Enlightened Enigma

        Lou… Dr. Mumpower can run circles around you in terms of Constitutional matters … sorry that you are so jealous of his keen knowledge and observations!

  6. Stan Hawkins

    After some reflection, I can see good points on both side of this issue. Individual rights are important to everyone, or should be.

    But, just a footnote; doesn’t it seem a bit dehumanizing to some that -let’s say one side of this issue attends a forum where the other side of the issue is not invited to share their views? Should not the organization hosting the forum be called to account? Should not the potential attendees of said forum boycott until such time as all peaceful opinions are welcomed?

  7. Sam

    The “Dr.” doth protest too much, methinks. It’s ok, Carl, when you decide to come out of that dark closet you’re clinging to, the LGBTQ community will be here to support you because we ALL have the right to be who we are.

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