“Every single time MountainTrue takes a sample of our French Broad River watershed, plastic pollution is found at some degree. This is unacceptable!”

“Every single time MountainTrue takes a sample of our French Broad River watershed, plastic pollution is found at some degree. This is unacceptable!”
“Many residents have never experienced the absence of ‘mountain winter,’ which tourists flee and only the brave endure.”
“Throughout April, let’s witness how our individual actions collectively add up to real, positive impacts.”
“The Asheville High School Environmental Science program invites you, Western North Carolina, to join us in a three-week engagement competition, the Drawdown EcoChallenge, which is rooted in learning about and practicing the solutions to reverse global warming.”
“I would like to celebrate the 40 young members of Sunrise Movement Asheville who had the courage to exercise civil disobedience on Dec. 6 by occupying Asheville City Hall.”
“I think the creative thinkers of any time rise up to the probing questions of their day. They study the facts and come to a logical conclusion. The ‘not so smarts’ of the day always predict doom and failure.”
“Let’s work together to show the world that Asheville truly is the Climate City!”
Given the title of the talk — Zombies, Sports, and Cola: What does it mean for Communicating Weather and Climate? — Shepherd had quite a bit of explaining to do. Remarkably, however, the former NASA scientist managed to demonstrate, with these seemingly disparate subjects, how a significant portion of the public (mis)understands meteorology — and how the problem may be solved.
Let's entertain for a moment the notion that there is nothing strange going on in the atmosphere, and put aside for a moment the very grave implications of climate change as a massive, global governmental hoax [“Global Warming Is a False Belief,” Nov. 14 Xpress]. Is everything peachy now? Does my asthma go away? Does […]
It is not necessary to counter Michael Ivey’s Nov. 14 letter, “Global Warming is a False Belief,” with the data and credible evidence and general scientific consensus that human activity does impact our atmosphere that is accumulating more heat (the energy that powers weather). Rather, I wish to call attention to the fallacy of denial […]
Michael Ivey’s Nov. 14 letter, “Global Warming is a False Belief,” certainly wins the prize for the most “creative” climate-change denial in a long time. In fact, his blaming the entire concept on a conspiracy by an “elitist think-tank” reads like a veritable LSD-induced revelation. As someone who also has been alive since “global warming […]
I applaud Mr. Ivey's letter [“‘Man-Made’ Global Warming is a Man-Made Myth,” Dec. 1 Xpress], although I don't hold his belief that global cooling [has been] going on since 1998. I would be interested to [see] the data he has that demonstrates this, as the data I am familiar with demonstrates increasing temperatures since 1998 […]
I have to say this about the global-warming-is-a-myth-crowd: They sure are spunky. Able to hold onto their conspiracy theories in the face of all evidence to the contrary — a testament to the power of selective belief to reduce cognitive dissonance. Unfortunately, neither the facts nor the overwhelming majority opinion supports them. The trend of […]
Thanks to Susan Andrew for the rebuttal to Michael Ivey’s letter [“‘Man-Made Global Warming,” Dec. 1 Xpress]. The vast majority of researchers agree that the human impact on our ecosystem is undeniable. Al Gore makes a strong point: With global population pushing seven billion, there might be a billion of us daily clawing away at […]
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn what the World Bank environmental advisors say — or think, for that matter. I would speculate that, before the 16th century, there were more buffalo in America than there are cattle now. I would even go further to speculate that there were many more wild animal farts […]
Your latest issue [“Living Green,” Nov. 17 Xpress) makes it abundantly clear that you guys are way behind the info-curve regarding the issue of Man-Made Global Warming (MMGW). Your [feature] story, “Living Green,” while written within the general context of legitimate and noble environmental goals and practices, continually upholds the abject fiction that human activity […]
Several years ago, poet/farmer Wendell Berry penned a controversial essay titled “Why I am Not Going to Buy a Computer,” in which he presented a clearheaded rationale for not buying into this form of technological slavery. His critics countered that computers enable them to follow and respond to the numerous environmental issues we face. Berry […]
Sen. Elizabeth Dole has concluded that climate change is real, and is one of a handful of Republicans supporting a bill expected to see Senate action this morning.
A possible program to promote lower carbon emissions from North Carolina vehicles took a step forward this week in the General Assembly, with the help of two WNC legislators.
Shuler co-sponsors a climate bill Rep. Heath Shuler recently signed on as co-sponsor of a bill to reduce global warming emissions. The Climate Stewardship Act of 2007, also known as H.R. 620 or Gilchrest-Olver after the representatives who introduced it, is one of six bills introduced at the federal level that seek to address climate […]